Chapter Three

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The rain pelted down as you finally woke up. You groaned and snuggled your face into the pillow. You were aching from having that many, big, cocks shoved up your ass. You stood up off the bed only to fall down. "Did we go too hard on ya last night pretty boy?" You looked up and saw John looking down at you. You rolled your eyes and tried to get back up so you could use the bathroom. "Come here." He chuckled and picked you up. "Now where you trying to go?" He asked. "Bathroom." You mumbled as you rubbed your eyes. He smiled and took you into the bathroom and shut the door giving you privacy.

You did your business and while you were washing your hands you looked in the mirror and sighed as you missed your wings. You looked away and got out of the bathroom. You limped down the stairs and into the kitchen. Dean smiled and handed you your meal and sat down. "Man, that was amazing last night." Jason said as everyone smirked and looked at you. You blushed as you shoved food in your mouth and you looked at Dick as he put his hand on your thigh. You were walking the halls bored out of your mind as you saw that they left the back door unlocked. You nibbled on your bottom lip, not seeing that Bruce and John were watching you. You opened the door and looked out. "No." You whispered as you shut the door and turned around and John and Bruce looked at each other and smiled. "He's learning." Bruce said as he left to do some paperwork. You decided to go into the batcave and saw Dick doing this weird thing with his body. You tilted your head and then tried to copy him.

Dick jumped as he heard things falling over. He sat up and looked at you. He laughed and you blushed as he got up and jogged over to you. "What you doing baby?" He asked and you looked down. "Copying you." You looked up at him and grinned sheepishly. He chuckled and helped you up as you blushed more. You spent some time with him before you got bored. You were walking down the halls when you saw Tim getting his coat on. "Where are you going Timmy?" You asked as he smiled at you. "I'm just going shopping baby." He said. "Can I come with you?" You asked, playing with your hands as your tail swished behind you. He thought for a moment and was gonna say no but when he looked seeing you giving him puppy dog eyes, how could he say no? "Alright, you can come with me." He said as you smiled a toothy smile. "But you have to behave." He said as you nodded. You both got in the car and Tim drove off.

Dean had just come back from a run and he was taking a shower. He got out and got dressed as he made his way into the kitchen. "Hey Dean, have you seen Y/N?" Jason asked as Dean shook his head. They looked everywhere but couldn't find you. The door opened and you came bouncing in with Tim behind you. "Where have you two been?" Bruce asked and you whimpered as you stopped and looked down. "It's ok guys, I went shopping and Y/N wanted to go. He was really good." They looked at you and smiled as John walked past and ruffled your hair. "Good boy." He said as you smiled.

You were having a shower and you didn't even hear the door open and you gasped as you turned around and saw Sam. "Hey Sammy." You said and he smiled and kissed you softly.

You moaned softly as you gasped and felt something in your stomach. It was a burning feeling and it felt like someone was kicking you. "What's wrong honey?" He asked. "I don't know. My tummy hurts." You mumbled as he turned the shower off and picked you up and dried you. You whimpered as Castiel rubbed your stomach. "What's wrong with him?" Damian asked. "Am I dying?" You asked as Jason wiped your tears. "No baby." He said and looked at Cas. "Y/N Is pregnant." He said as everyone looked at you. "Is that bad?" You asked and snuggled into Bruce. "No darling, it's really good." Dean said as you yawned and rubbed your eyes.

"We're gonna let you rest now." Sam said as Dean and Jason both rushed into the bed as Damian and Dick glared. "We got here first." Dean smirked as they all heard quiet snores and saw that you were fast asleep already. The others left the room as Dean and Jason snuggled close to you. They all fell asleep with a smile on their faces. Not realizing that you were gonna be having triplets.

It was four in the morning and you were throwing up. You were in so much pain that you couldn't sleep. Dean and Jason were at your side as they rubbed your back. "It's ok baby boy." Jason said softly as you cried into him. "It really hurts." You whimpered as John cradled you. Castiel put his hand on your back and you gasped as your wings fluttered and you cuddled John. "That's it baby just try and go back to sleep alright." He said softly as you shook your head. You didn't want to go to sleep, you were in too much pain.

"Why not Darling?" Damian asked. "I'm in too much pain." You cried and Buce and John tried to calm you down but to their dismay they couldn't. You were very happy that they gave you your wings back and that they were all here and looking after you but you just couldn't sleep because of the three things inside of you. Someone touched your head and you saw that it was Cas. What was he doing?

"See you when you wake up baby." Cas said and before you knew it you were drifting off to sleep because of the angel.

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