Chapter Twelve

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Max was looking out the window as he and Lily were so excited to go to the movies. You smiled and felt really weird as you moved around. You felt ill but not like you needed blood but it was something else. You just ignored this feeling and leaned your head on Dick's shoulder as Cas held your hand. You finally made it to the movies and you were sat in between Bruce and Damian. While you were watching the movie you started to get that feeling again. You tried to ignore it but you started to get a banging headache. It started to make your vision go blurry as you gripped Damian's hand. He gritted his teeth as he felt you squeezing his hand.

He looked at you and thought that you were scared of the movie which was weird because it was a kids movie. "Y/N are you alright?" He asked and the pain just stopped. You breathed in and out before you opened your eyes to see a worried Damian looking at you. "Yeah I just felt some pain, that's all." You whispered and loosened your grip on his hand and you went back to watching the movie. You were in the bathroom when you felt sick and put your head over the toilet. There was a burning feeling in your stomach as you whimpered and sat down.

There was a knock on the door and you couldn't even speak. "Sir are you alright?" You heard a man ask. You flushed the toilet and opened the door before you fell and luckily he caught you. "Come on." He said and helped you walk out of the bathroom. "What are you doing with my boyfriend?" You looked and saw an angry Dean before he gasped. "I found him like this. I wasn't doing anything mate. Just make sure he goes to a doctor." The man said as he felt uncomfortable when two big men came up to them.

"What did you do?" Bruce asked as the man looked frightened. "I didn't do anything. I swear I just found him like this." He said as he got his phone and went to dial 911. "What do you think you're doing?" Jason asked as he snatched the phone out of his hand and smashed it. "Hey. I was calling 911. He needs to go to the hospital." The man said as John pulled the man out of the theater and then killed him. The man laid there dead as a doornail as Dean picked you up and got in the car.

"Dad, what's wrong?" Alex asked as he was at your side. "Papa?" Lily and Max were also at their dad's side. "We don't know guys, come on, get your seatbelts on." Cas said as he looked at you with worry. They had never seen you like this before. They made their way home and Dick picked you up and took you down to the batcave and laid you down on one of the medical beds. They gave you some medicine and wrapped you up in blankets as Alex laid next to you. "Come on Alex let's get you in your own bed yeah." Alex looked at Dick and shook his head as he cuddled up to you.

Dick sighed and then got into the bed as Cas joined you guys and they pulled you both close to them. Over the next few weeks all you wanted to do was sleep. They couldn't get you up to do anything. "I don't know what's wrong with him." Tim said as he sighed. "Yeah he won't eat, drink, all he wants to do is sleep." Bruce said. "Cas, can you figure out what's wrong with him?" Damian asked as the angel shook his head. "Is papa dying?" Lily asked as Sam pulled the little girl in his lap.

"No. I'm sure he will be fine in a couple of days alright." He said and wiped her cheeks. Your eyes fluttered open. Because you haven't been taking your pills for a month they began to wear off. You looked around and saw that you were all alone. All the bars had been taken off of the windows and there wasn't a lock on the door anymore. You sat up and covered your mouth as tears began to fall. They had killed your family, killed so many innocent people all because of you. You didn't know what to do as you just sat there. You needed to get the kids and go straight to the police. Not run away from them because if you do then they would just find you and drag you back.

You weren't feeling sick anymore as it must have been everything they had made you take. They still think that you have been taking your pills and they don't know anything. You couldn't just grab the kids and run straight away. No, you needed to think this through, carefully. You had a shower and freshened up as you got clean clothes on and made your way downstairs and into the kitchen.

Alex and Lily were doing homework when Lily looked up and she smiled and quickly got off the chair and ran in your arms. Alex was wondering what his little sister was doing as he turned around and gasped. He got down and ran to you as Max wanted to see what his siblings were doing. "You're ok now dad?" Alex asked as you smiled and nodded your head. He smiled as you looked around. "Where's your dads?" You asked. "They all went out." Lily said as you nodded. You stood up and saw that it was lunch time.

"You guys hungry?" You asked and they nodded. You made lunch for you all and helped them with their homework. "Baby you're awake." You looked up from the Tv as Cas made his way over to you and pulled you into his lap. "Yeah. I'm feeling better now. Didn't know what made me sick though." You smiled even though being in his lap made you feel uncomfortable. "I'm so glad that you are." He whispered and kissed you softly. You didn't want him to be suspicious so you kissed him back.

You needed to think of a way to escape and get to the police station. And soon...

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