Chapter Three

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"Have you decided what you're going to do this summer regarding camping?" Rachel asks, her eyes full of anticipation. I shift slightly on the couch, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves.

"Yeah, I've given it some thought," I reply, my voice tinged with uncertainty, "and I'm going to go. Well, if Dr. Brentstone gives me the green light, then I'll go. I've been thinking about what you said, and you're right. It's time for me to face my fears and try to mend what's broken. It's the responsible and mature thing to do."

Rachel's face lights up with pride and she envelops me in a tight embrace. "Oh, Lottie, I'm so proud of you!" She exclaims, her voice filled with genuine warmth. I chuckle, feeling a mix of embarrassment and affection.

"It's in just over two weeks," I trail off, a blush creeping onto my cheeks.

Rachel playfully pokes my sides and teasingly remarks, "Ooo, looks like someone's been counting."

I swat her arm gently, laughing. "No, no, it's not like that. We always go at the same time every year, from July first to August first. It's ingrained in my memory, like Christmas on the twenty-fifth. Ruck 'n Rumble is just something you never forget."

Rachel rolls her eyes playfully, a mischievous grin on her face. "Sure, sure, whatever you say. But here's the important question. Do you have cute clothes? Because you need cute outfits to woo your man."

I raise an eyebrow, slightly taken aback. "Woah, hold on there. One, Nathan is not my man," I clarify, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "And as for clothes, I was just planning on wearing my usual clothes." I glance down at my current outfit—a pair of black jean shorts and a graphic t-shirt with the words "Just One More Chapter" written in elegant cursive on the front pocket.

Rachel smirks knowingly. "Well, we'll see about that. I might have a few ideas up my sleeve to make sure you're both comfortable and stylish on your camping adventure."

I shake my head, unable to suppress my laughter. "Alright, fashion guru, surprise me. But remember, the focus is making things right with Nathan, not necessarily on pursuing romantic endeavors."

"Oh, I know, Lottie. But a little bit of fashion magic never hurt anyone, right?" Rachel replies with a playful wink. "Now, come on, let's go to the mall and get you a whole new wardrobe," Rachel tugs my arm, dragging me off the couch. "Seven new shirts should do, a couple of pairs of shorts, a pair of sexy pajamas and you can borrow some of my bikinis," Rachel taps her chin. "Yup, that sounds about right. "

"Rachel," I moan, playfully stretching out the 'L' in her name. "I don't have enough money for all of that. I've only got the fifty bucks I've managed to save in my room."

A mischievous grin spreads across Rachel's face as she snatches her purse from the banister. "I'll cover it, silly," she insists, her eyes sparkling with excitement. My protests fall on deaf ears as she continues, "Consider it your early birthday present, 'kay? Now, let's go shopping!"

I know I won't be able to sway her determination. When Rachel sets her mind to something, she follows through with unwavering determination. Reluctantly, I resign myself to the fact that resistance is futile and climb into the passenger seat of her car. As Rachel starts the ignition, I reach over and turn on the radio, the familiar melodies providing a comforting backdrop to our impending adventure.

"This is going to be so much fun, Lottie," Rachel exclaims, her voice full of genuine excitement. "It feels like ages since we've gone shopping together."

I nod, feeling a flicker of joy ignite within me, and allow a small smile to dance on my lips. Despite the weight of my worries and the uncertainties of the future, I can't help but feel a glimmer of anticipation building within me. With Rachel by my side, this shopping trip will be a much-needed respite from the burdens that weigh me down.

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