Five Summers Ago

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The sun beamed down on Willow Tree Park, casting dappled shadows on the grassy fields. Nathan and I, both twelve years old, found ourselves drawn to a secluded part of the river that flowed lazily through the heart of the park. It was our secret spot, hidden beneath the majestic branches of an ancient willow tree. The world outside seemed to fade away as we stepped into this hidden oasis.

"Nathan, you're sure no one else knows about this place?" I asked, a hint of skepticism in my voice.

He grinned mischievously. A grin that I had grown quite accustomed to seeing. "Absolutely positive, Charlotte. It's our little slice of paradise. Now, come on, let's make the most of it!"

The river sparkled under the sun's warm embrace, beckoning us to dive in. I watched as Nathan began to strip down to his bathing suit. His messy blond hair, slightly tousled from our hike down to the river, framed his face with an air of carefree charm. His eyes, the color of deep ocean, sparkled mischievously as he grinned, a dimple forming on one cheek.

As he shed his shirt, revealing a lean yet sturdy frame, I couldn't help but notice the faint smattering of freckles dusted across his sun-kissed skin. They added an endearing touch to his appearance, like constellations sprinkled across a canvas. Nathan's movements were fluid and confident as he removed his shorts, revealing the vibrant patterned bathing suit underneath. The fabric clung to his hips, accentuating his youthful figure. He radiated an aura of effortless self-assurance, as if he belonged in the water, embracing its playful depths.

Nathan wasted no time and cannonballed into the water, sending droplets flying in every direction. I couldn't help but giggle as the cool water splashed on my face.

"Oh, so you think you're all that, huh?" I teased, playfully splashing him back. He spluttered, pretending to be offended. "How dare you! I am the king of the river, ruler of the waves!" 

I rolled my eyes, but the laughter in my voice betrayed me. "More like a mischievous minnow. But I suppose every kingdom needs its court jester."

Nathan feigned shock, his hand clutching his heart. "Ouch, Charlotte! That hurts right here, deep in the soul. You wound me."

I raised an eyebrow, a smirk tugging at the corners of my lips. "Well, I suppose it's a good thing I'm here to provide comic relief. Someone has to keep you in check." He waded closer, his gaze meeting mine with a playful glint.

"Oh, I'm counting on you, Charlotte. My life would be so dull without your quick wit and sharp tongue."

My heart skipped a beat at his words, but I brushed it off, attributing the fluttering in my chest to the sheer hilarity of our banter.

With Nathan's infectious energy still lingering in the air, I couldn't resist joining him in the river's refreshing embrace. The warmth of the sun on my skin beckoned me to shed my own inhibitions, just as I shed my clothes. I tugged at the straps of my sundress, slipping it down my shoulders and letting it pool around my feet. Underneath, I wore a vibrant turquoise bathing suit adorned with whimsical patterns of seashells and starfish.

The color mirrored the river's gentle ripples, a perfect match for the playful adventures that awaited us. As I stepped closer to the water's edge, Nathan turned toward me, his eyes widening at the sight.

"Whoa, Charlotte, that suit is something! You're like a mermaid ready to take on the river!"

I couldn't help but blush at his compliment, the warmth spreading across my cheeks. "Thanks, Nathan. I figured if we're going to make a splash, we might as well do it in style."

With a grin, I sprinted toward the water, my heart pounding with anticipation. I leaped into the air, arms outstretched, and cannonballed into the river with a resounding splash. The cool water enveloped me, momentarily stealing my breath away in its refreshing embrace. The impact of my cannonball sent a wave cascading toward Nathan, who was caught off guard by the unexpected onslaught.

A surprised yelp escaped his lips as he was drenched by the splash, water droplets glistening in his hair. "Whoa, Charlotte! That's some entrance you've made!" Nathan exclaimed, shaking off the water from his face and chuckling. I surfaced, my laughter bubbling up alongside me. "Well, I figured if you were the king of the river, I should at least make a grand arrival as the queen of cannonballs!"

We spent the afternoon swimming, challenging each other to daring dives and impressive feats of aquatic acrobatics. After our thrilling water adventures, our stomachs reminded us of their presence with an echoing growl.

Nathan pulled out a picnic basket from under the willow tree, revealing a spread fit for royalty. "I've got a little something to satiate your hunger, fair maiden," he declared, bowing dramatically. I couldn't help but laugh at his theatricality.

"I'm not sure about the 'fair' part, but I'm definitely a maiden in desperate need of sustenance. What have you got there, oh generous food-bringer?"

Nathan unveiled a mouthwatering array of sandwiches, fruit, and homemade cookies. My mouth watered at the sight, and I wasted no time diving in. "These cookies are amazing!" I exclaimed with a mouthful, spraying crumbs in my excitement. Nathan grinned, a cookie in his hand.

"My mom's secret recipe. I'm glad you like them. They're best enjoyed with good company, you know." I raised an eyebrow, pretending to be unimpressed.

"Flattery will get you nowhere, Nathan. But I must admit, your taste in food is as impeccable as your choice of friends." He chuckled, taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Ah, so my taste in friends is impeccable, is it? I'm flattered, Charlotte. Truly."

We continued our feast, the light breeze rustling the leaves of the trees overhead. The afternoon sun painted our surroundings in hues of gold and green, casting a serene glow upon us. As the day wore on, our playful banter shifted into a comfortable rhythm, effortlessly flowing between wit and laughter.

It was in those moments, as the sun began its descent, that I realized how much I enjoyed Nathan's company. The way his eyes crinkled when he laughed, the ease with which he made me feel at home—there was something undeniably special about our connection. As I watched him, a warm feeling spread through my chest, tinged with a hint of something more. Perhaps it was the first stirrings of a deeper affection, a realization that he had become more than just a friend. And with that realization, a new adventure unfurled before me, filled with possibilities and the thrill of the unknown.

Laying on the sand bed by the river, our laughter echoed through the air, intertwining with the rustling leaves, as if the world itself was celebrating the budding friendship between us. And in that moment, I knew that our secret spot by the river would forever hold a special place in my heart because something in me shifted.

I wanted to kiss him.

I wanted to kiss my best friend. 

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