Four Summers Ago

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It was a little after two in the afternoon when my brother asked to play some cards with me. Since Nathan was with Jeremy, and I had nothing better to do, I agreed. It would pass the time, not to mention keep my mind off Nathan. He'd been in my thoughts too much recently and I needed a distraction before I became obsessed.

"I'll grab the cards, okay Ro?" I asked my brother and he nodded while I jumped off my camping chair and climbed into the tent to get the cards. I rifled through my backpack and huffed when I couldn't find them. Annoyed, I dumped my backpack out on my airbed and the contents, including the cards spilled out.

"Great, now I've got to clean this up," I groaned and began stuffing the things that I had dumped out. That's when I spotted a folded piece of paper that laid quite elegantly across my pillow. Intrigued, I quickly snatched it up and unfolded it. Low and behold, it was a note from Nathan. I could recognize his scratchy writing anywhere.

Lil Char,

Meet me by the cliffs at 3:00. I have something to show you. ;)


I couldn't help the large smile that broke across my face as I finished reading the note. Nathan wanted to see me and I couldn't wait.

"What's up?" My brother asked when I sat down at the picnic table. "You've got that goofy expression on your face again. Was Nathan in there?"

"Eww no, you dork," I laughed and began to shuffle the cards.

It was quarter to three when I excused myself from the card game, which my father and sister had joined. I told my father I had to use the washroom, emphasizing it was lady problems and he just nodded, his face turning a low shade of pink from embarrassment. He told me to take my time and come back when everything was sorted out.


I knew deep down that this was wrong. I should not have taken advantage of the situation but my father never would have allowed me to leave if he knew where I was going.

Still, I pushed the negative, pessimistic thoughts out of my head, snatched my bike off the ground and peddled toward the cliffs. When I got to the hidden pathway down toward the cliffs I stashed my bike in a nearby bush and sprinted down the frosted hill toward the cliffs. I made sure to avoid the small branches and roots in the pathway while I flew down.

On the path, I am greeted by the sound of birds and dragonflies traveling through the sky. Squirrels run up and down trees already preparing for the colder weather. Wind rustles the leaves and gives me a cool breeze.

Why did Nathan have to choose such a cold day for this?

When I arrived at the cliffs, my eyes scanned for Nathan but he was nowhere to be found.

"Olson?" I yelled, turning my head to see if he was hiding somewhere. I continued walking shouting his name a few more times. "Olson I'm going to kill you if you are trying to scare me." I bent down to pick up a stick. "I've got a seriously dangerous weapon and I'm not afraid to use it."

I was met with silence.

He's gotta be somewhere, I thought to myself, and began to descend the rocky hill to the landing at the bottom.

"STOP!" Someone yelled and I quickly whipped around to see a figure who stood behind me. I held my stick above my head, ready to hit the person.

"Char it's just me, you can put the stick down. Please, before you hurt anyone, silly."


I opened my eyes to see Nathan standing a couple of steps behind me. "Whoops," I shrugged and dropped the stick. "Can never be too prepared, am I right?"

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