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After some time, Andori returned to the door of his room. Quickly shooing away his attendents, he waits until he knew no one would follow him in. With a smile growing on his face, he slowly turned the doorknob. He peeked around the door to examine the room. Slowly sweeping the area with his eyes, he nearly jumped out of his skin when a dull voice came from the library corner.

"What's with the caution?" Y/N asked. They sat folded up comfortably in the cushioned chair, a large green book splayed over their knees. Giving a breathy laugh, Andori pushed the door open all the way.
"Oh ho... Just making sure no one found out about you as quick as I did." He explained cheekily. Swiftly shutting the door behind him he walked over to the small nook. "What is it you've found?" He questioned, a small shake still present in his voice. The undead closed the book slightly to look at the cover.

"Potions, Poisons and the Like" Y/N read outloud. Andori gave an exaggerated 'ah' sound.
"Yes, a good one indeed. Are you liking it?" He asked innocently as he leaned over Y/N, trying to get a good look at the pages. Shrinking back from him, Y/N simply responded,
"I guess, Yeah. I like the plants most." They pointed lightly to the intricate drawing of a feathery flower. The already present smile Andori held only grew.
"One of the better ones, picked it myself. I'm glad we have similar tastes." He drawled smugly, correcting his posture.

'Oh...gross. I mean, at least it'll make living here for however long it takes a little more bareable.' Y/N thought glumly. They realised, in the time they've been left alone, that most of the things they thought of were glum. Perhaps it was being faced with their death, maybe they just didn't like Andori, either way they were egar to find something else to pay attention to. And, with where they've assumed they've fallen in the timeline, quite a few options should present themselves soon. First, the meeting with both the MC and the main Villainess. Second, the start of school. Third, and best of all, the beginning of the mystery subplots.

Sure, the game was focused mainly on winning the hearts of the targets and saving the world, but, in each route there's also a mystery! Y/N only got through one route, but they saw plenty about the others online. Perhaps a little to much. If they remembered correctly, there was a theft, a murder, an impersonation, some sort of political scheme.... And what was that last one? Eh, if they didn't remember it probably wasn't very interesting.

An odd buzzing noise was in the room as Y/N was recalling the events of the game, before they realised that buzzing was actually Andori still talking. Hopfully he hadn't been talking the entire time.
Y/N tuned back in cautiously.

"...d that's only one of their better books! Honestly, the formatting is much better than their others.... You are listening aren't you?" He chattered, before side eyeing Y/N suspiciously.
"Oh yeah, course." Y/N replies assuredly.
"Good. You know I like that about you, ever since we've met you've listened to my every word," he remarked, "you know it'll be very useful for when we're in public." Y/N shifted in their seat, drawing themselves up more now fully facing Andori.
"About that, when will I be able to... Acompany you to- school, was it? y/N asked curiously. In response Andori made a small clicking noise, as if he hadn't thought of it.

"Well... I suppose that would be next week." He said matter a factly. Y/N nodded curtly.
"Alright, should be enough time." Y/N said thoughtfully.
"Indeed, I can't wait for you to tell me all the stories from the torn side." He replied cheerfully before adding, "Unless you were thinking of something else?"

•Leave Me Out Of The Harem• {Various Yanderes X Gender-neutral Reader}Where stories live. Discover now