Decisions, decisions...

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Good [insert current time of day here]. I haven't written or posted anything in a while, and there's a reason. I am going through someajor writers block while writing, and I think I know why.
I don't particularly like the way the book is going. And I think it's because I'm slightly contridocting my original concept as well as the stories description(if you'd care to go abck and check it). So I've come to a conclusion.
I will be going on a tempory hiatus to figure out what I should do here.
My options are :
A) just continue the book as is, maybe take it in a different direction than I initially planned. Perhaps alter the description slightly as well.
B) alter the book itself. Delete some... Most of the installments and start a new(ish).

I'm posting this because before I disapeare for a bit and choose, I thought I'd ask any readers who may have an opinion on the matter.
I've gotten a whole of like.. four comments on this story, so I don't expect much, but if you could put your own two cents in, I'd really appreciate it.
And I'd hate to have anyone begin to dislike my story due to any possible unwanted changes.

Another option I've just thought of is to steal the og ideas of this story and put them into a new one since I am sort of thinking of starting to write a new one... I think I'm leaning towards this one.
But i still want to hear feedback!

Your most dearest author

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