•Bulling Prevention Squad• {Pt.2}

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".......nd? So what you apologised? That's now, you could've done that earlier and none of this would have happened, but no~" A tall boy with pink hair mocked. He leered over the much shorter nurse's assistant. "An apology means nothing after what you did." He continued, taking a large handful of the girl's blue hair in his hand and pulling it roughly to better meet his eyes. "So how are you going to repay me?"
A blonde girl standing just to his right pitched in ;
"They do say actions speak louder than words, right?" To which the tall boy, and another boy to his left chuckled.
"I-I don't h-have anything I could give you!... I'm sorry..." Stuttered Kalie, as she tried to lessen the pain in her scalp by pulling at the tall boy's hand.
"Really now?" He responded, leaning in uncomfortably close. So close Kalie could feel his hot breath fanning her damp cheeks. "Because-..." Just as he was about to speak again he was interputed by a new face.

"I don't believe there is a because in this situation." A smooth voice said from around the corner. Soon after, the body to go with the voice appeared. A handsome boy with black and and striking pink eyes, curiously followed by a masked assistant. "She said she doesn't have anything for you, hasn't she? And she's already apologised, you're just wasting you and your friend's times torturing the poor girl." His tone was an unsettling neutral, just on the verge of being condescending.
"And who the hell are you to say anything, huh?! You're not a apart of this!" The tall boy spat, letting go of Kalie's hair and shoving her towards his friends. He stomped the few steps away he was from the ravenet and easily closed the distance, his towering form casting shadow over the newcomer.
"My name is Andori, but you may know me as Lord Kio, I'm a new student here at our lovely institute." He introduced calmly.
"Funny... I don't think that explains what business you have interfering with mine!" The tall boy muttered through his teeth, short locks of red hair fell foward from the rest of his slicked back style as he leaned over Andori.
"As I said, this is a lovely institute, so me having such a new found love for this place, I'd hate to see scum like you dirtying the halls with your foul actions." The smile on Andori's face started to fade slightly at his eyes, the crinkle it caused dispersing. "And there's only really two ways to deal with that. Either I report you to faculty or... Well, I can let my dear friend here teach you a lesson and spare the staff from your poor attitude..," He gestured to the masked figure behind him, "You know, I think I'll do just that! As a favor to them and the school in extent." Andori decided out loud, retracting his hand back to himself to place it down in a fist on his other hand's palm. The red head sputtered a laugh. He looked from the shorter boy to the person behind them, and couldn't help but begin to feel... Nervous? No! Not him! These two brats couldn't possibly make this nameless character nervous! No, no, no.

"And how do you suppose you'll do that huh? Give me a stern talking to?" He asked the masked [H/C], diverting his attention. They gave no response, and only stared at him with dead [E/C] eyes. "Oh you think that'll scare me? Please! I'm the king of fighters here! You're no match." He exclaimed, pushing Andori to the side to better aquaint himself with the silent person. "And you?," He gaze down at their dark clothing, nothing like the prestine school uniforms, "you're not even a student.. probably just some servant." He poked them square in the chest as he spoke. The entire time, those [E/C] eyes never broke focus from his.
"H-hey man... I don't know about this." The boy's friend nervously called out.
"Hah?" The redhead exclaimed, rearing around to look at the boy.
"W-well... Don't you remember what happened yesterday? With the wolf?" He continued, blue eyes shifting between the three infront of him.
"I've heard the stories."
"Yeah... Uh... That person who stopped it, it wasn't a person."
"Ooookayyy? Get on with it."
"It was one of those zombie servants! You know, the ones made by necromancy.... And... And it was..." He blue eyed boy shakily raised a finger and the ravnet who had long taken up a comfortable position leaning against the wall. "His servant!" Andori's smile grew.
"Ah, so people have already begun speaking of my dear Y/N's feats, quite impressive, yes?" He chuckled, gazing at the hot headed boy.
"Y/N?... Ugh, whatever." The tall boy muttered, turning away from both his friends and Andori. "You. You're some sort of zombie, huh? Let's see it then." He said, reaching towards the black mask that adorned their face. Apprantly not wanting to be touched, Y/N blocked his hand, and gently pushed it away from their face using the back of their wrist. Not getting the hint, he tried again, this time with his other hand. Unfortunately, he was treated much less kindly this time. Y/N grabbed the boy's hand by the wrist and roughly pulled it away, their grip tight enough to make the boy think his wrist may break.
"H-hey! What gives?! Let go of me!" He cried trying to pull away, quite unsuccessfully. Seeing no better way out, he threw a punch with his free hand. Blocked. Y/N pulled the boy closer using his captured hand, and just as quickly landed a full palm over his face and pushed him away, letting go of his wrist simultaneously. Had he not been struggling so vigorously, he might have just stumbled backwards, but with the added force, he was sent to the floor flat on his back.
"Gyah!-... You!" The boy shouted from his spot on floor. He seemed to try to think of a few different insults but they ways fell short before he could complete them. Finally he found one that sounded better, "You're just some daddy's money brat that hides behind that freak servant of yours!" He yelled pushing himself up off the floor, into a sitting position. Andori's smile faded, his amused expression from seeing the boy's state changed by his words.
"Now what did you say about my servant?..." Before he could get an answer, a new Challenger apraoched.
"More importantly, what is causing all that yelling?" A familiar voice called out.

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