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True to Ms.Pere's word attenders were just preparing the carriage for their young masters departure, from the smell of food, it seems like he was still enjoying a hearty goodbye breakfast. Finding a spot next to the door they leaned against the wall casually, usually, Y/N would try to keep up a more formal appearance, but with all the bustle they figured no one would notices if they took it easy for a bit.
'Its lucky the first week will be easy. Nothing important should happen while the main character isn't here to experience it.'

'Once that happens, whoever she is, I'll probably see her around a lot, what with Andori being one of the love interests.'

'I wonder if she'll be annoying... Female leads can be pretty pathetic so I wouldn't be surprised.'

'Maybe I'll even be able to take part in the plot! Maybe I'll have some cool cutscene during a fight.'

'Come to think of it, that's a lot of maybes... Also ive never been in a proper fight here yet.'

'when the time comes, that could come back and bite me in the a-'

The opening of the door next to the pondering undead suddenly opened, causing Y/N to push off the wall for a more proper position. Standing stiffly, Andori passed by, followed by both parents. Ms.Kio's red eyes brimmed with tears as she latched onto her husband's arm. Burying her face in his shoulder she hide her face away from her son when he turned to face her.
"Oh mother, don't cry... I won't be gone long, only a semester! A month long break will be right after, and I'll come right home." He said, stepping closer to lay a hand delicately on her shoulder.
"Worry not, she'll be alright," the Duke comforted his son, "she's just not used to you being away so far." Their eyes met, and Mr.Kio sent some kind of affirming nod to his son before saying, "Now, where is the servant of yours... You should be going." At that que, Y/N stepped forwards. Apparently, no member of the family noticed Y/N until they were nearly next to the parents.
"Gah!-" Andori exclaimed, "Y/N. I don't know how you sneak up like that!..." He sighed, gathering himself again. "It's time we go, Father, mother... Goodbye." He turned swiftly, making, gesturing to Y/N to follow, but was caught by the shoulder by his father. Used to their responsibilities, Y/N took the opportunity to side step the parents to go open the door.
"Son... I'll.. I'm expecting you to uphold our family's reputation." Mr.Kio said stiffly, patting his son's shoulder before letting go. Andori let a genuine smile slip onto his lips before nodding sternly. He turned away once more and left through the now opened front door.

Walking down the short steps they approached the ivory painted carriage. A tall male servant slipped away after just finishing arranging the luggage on the back of the ride. Going ahead again, Y/N opened the carriage door, and helped Andori in. Once the two were inside and seated, Y/N opened their mouth, letting the mask fall into their lap.
"Daddy's boy." They teased, remembering the way Andori lit up while his father talked to him.
"You!..." He sputtered. "Just, I don't know... Tell me another story from the torn side."


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•Leave Me Out Of The Harem• {Various Yanderes X Gender-neutral Reader}Where stories live. Discover now