{Time Well Spent}

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'Next week' wasn't a very specific time frame, but Y/N made due none the less. They learned it was Tuesday, August 25th, making 'next week' sometime near the end of the month or early in September. Which makes sense, a lot of schools start around September 1st. What was more upsetting than the unclear schedule, was the fact that Y/N hadn't heard a thing from Brutus. Yes, he said it may take a while, but it's been five damn days!
Five days spent leaning about Liren, learning the manners of a servant, and preparing themselves for the plot.

It was a easy truth to realize that Y/N had simply taken up the role a previous soul used to fill. If they remembered correctly the original undead was an slightly older man, in life he used to be a prized Royal guard which caused him to be a very opportune vessel. His reanimation caused quiet a bit of trouble, something about it not being proper to not let him have peace, it was sort of glossed over in the story. But now, Y/N was here. As long as they can protect Andori, not be found out, and eliminate the soul of the villaness their supposed master should have a new body guard in no time.

Conviently, as they had no use to the rest of the Kio family, they were left alone to attend to whatever tasks they had that day. Usually it was simple training, but other times they would just accompany Andori to his lessons. Of course, this didn't stop the young marquis himself from bothering the poor undead.


"Again with that sword, isn't there something else you can do?" He prodded, leaning against a pillar. At the center of the small training room, Y/N stood, swinging a claymore rythmically.
"Not really, plus, this is a different sword." They replied monotonely. Giving a long, dragging look across the blade, Andori shrugged.
"Looks the same to me." He muttered. He sighed loudly as he slumped farther down the pillar.
"If you're so bored, go read a book or something." Y/N said evenly. In just the shirt while they had quickly learnt certain ques of the young marquis. 
"Fine, but you'll come by to the library after your done with that...long sword?" He said, his voice turning up at the last moment, hopeful.
"Claymore." Y/N corrected. Even as they stared ahead, they could feel Andori's face fall dramatically.
"Yes, well, come to the library once your finished." He ordered before leaving the training room.
"Yes sir." Y/N said half-heartedly, still not sparing a glance towards Andori.


"Y/N!" A voice shouted from the hall. Looking up from their textbook, Y/N leaned uncomfortably in their chair to try to get a better look at the person beyond the doorway. "COME HERE." The ordered. Sighing, Y/N complied. If Andori hadn't come in himself to fetch the undead, it was likely he was with other people.
To keep up face, as they walked they tried to relax everything. Their face, their muscels, anything that would give a sense of personality.

As they approached the light rose door, they found it ajjar. They stuck a foot in the gap, and pushed it open.
"There you are." Andori said calmly. "This," he continued, "is Ms.Lian, she's a mask maker. Today she'll be taking some measurements." He gestured to a short, older woman. She had short tied back lilac hair, and striking yellow eyes. Around he mouth and eyes were clear smile lines, an older woman who had visably lived a happy life. Y/N nodded respectfully towards Ms.Lian.

Nervously the older woman approached Y/N. From a small satchel on her left, she drew a white ribbon measuring tape. Y/N leaned down slightly, in order to get in arm's length of the short mask maker.


The warm glow of the magic circle filled the dim room. It was late evening as Y/N continued their studies. Layed out on the oaken table infront of them was a book that must've been generations old. Sure the magic they were practicing was seen as inconveintent and out of fashion, but it served an important part in the original plot. This stuff was the only weakness of some big monster that's supposed to show up in a month or so, hence, getting this done early. Plus, if the Kios wanted
Y/N to learn more 'mordern Magic's they could teach Y/N themselves.

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