chapter 4

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Today we are leaving for New York and I am so excited about this new turn of my life. I just want everything to go better for me and it turns out to be the best decision of my life. Noah and Caleb both wanted to go with me but then something came and Caleb had to stay behind so now only three of us are leaving Noah, Mary and me.

Noah was putting my suitcases in the trunk and one bag of Mary. I realize now that I packed way too much but no one said anything so I let it be. Caleb was sadly standing on the side. He wasn't happy but still he supports my decision which is huge for me.

I went towards him and snaked my arms around his waist as I side-hugged him. He sighed and then put his around my shoulders with a forced smile.

"I will miss you," I told him at which a genuine smile came on his face.

"Then don't go" he teased.

"Kay.. please!" I groaned.

"Uhh fine.." He huffed.

"I want you to take care of yourself, don't go out late at night. Send us your location wherever you go so we would be able to know that you are safe. Don't bother Mary too much, eat your all meals..." He repeated a few other rules which he had already told me hundred times but I listened calmly if it makes him feel better then so be it.

"I will visit you next month and if you are in trouble or you need anything just call me, got it?" He asked.

"Yeah got it," I said giving him thumbs up, he sighed.

"You do know that you are dropping us at the airport" Noah grumbled. He is also bothered by my leaving but they are putting in their efforts.

"Yeah I know" he sighed then we start walking towards the car, both of them sat in front while I and Mary sat at the back with two of my bags on the third seat.

As I was about to sit someone called my name. I turned out to see lily running towards me, she was out of breath.

"Oh thank God, I thought I won't be able to meet you." She said and stopped in front of me panting heavily trying to catch her breath. I smiled at her and gave her a hug which lasted for five whole minutes.

"Please take care of Caleb for me and please get married you two now. I want little nephew and nieces now" I teased her, she gave me a sad smile to me and then looked at Caleb who instantly looked away. I found it weird, did they break up? I gasped...

"Is everything okay between you two?" I asked a little worried, I like lily she is a nice girl and she genuinely loves my brother. It took years for Caleb to finally give them a chance. They know each other since college and finally start dating two years ago.

"Yeah yeah Everything's fine between us, Don't worry. And take care of yourself in New York. I will miss you" she said as she patted just cheeks.

"Al we are getting late" Noah grumbled and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Okay okay..." I said and bid goodbye to her and then sat in the car. Lily stood there waving at us as we left but I looked at Caleb who didn't even glance her way once.

"Kay..!" I called him.

"Hmm," he hummed focused on the road.

"Don't ever break lily's heart, she loves you and I want to see you two together forever" I said and he sighed as he gave me a tight smile and then nodded.

"We are good!" He cleared and I relaxed. If they weren't good he would have kept quiet.

"Alright," I sighed.

"And you Noah, when are you finding a sister-in-law for me? You two are getting old now" I twitched my nose and they laughed at me.

"No, I am not I am only 26" he chided and I scoffed.

"And you still don't even have a girlfriend" I cross my arms.

"Because I don't want one" he groaned and looked out which means he is done.

"You are boring" I grumbled. He remained silent for a moment but then both of them looked at each other and shared a look then Noah looked back at me.

"We forgot to tell you one more rule," he said with such seriousness that I frowned. What is left now?

"What?" I asked. He narrowed his eyes at me.

"You are not having a boyfriend until you turn 21," he said and then turn around and looked out, both of them now have a smirk on their faces and I was shocked

"But..." I started but Caleb cuts me off.

"We are here," he said as he parked the car and both of them stepped out of the car went to the trunk and were taking out the bags now. I looked at Mary who was trying hard to hide her smile. I huffed and got out of the car.

"Noah listen..." I started but he cuts me off again.

"We are getting late, let's go," he said and put all the bags on the trolley and went in. I looked at Mary who followed Noah after Caleb gives her instructions. Then Caleb looked at me and gave me a tight bear hug. He kissed the crown of my head as he sighed.

"You know that you are like my baby and I love you so don't ever do anything that will hurt us," he said and I felt tears in my eyes.

"I won't and I love you too," I said and stepped away from him, I motioned him to lean down and when he does I gave a peck on his forehead. It's something that I often do to both of them. He smiled and then again hugged me and this time he pushed me towards ever Noah went.

"Bye and take care," he said and I waved at him with a small smile. I will miss him!

"Bye," I said and then went inside. It's gonna be a long journey and I hate plane rides! I groaned.

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