chapter 41

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Marcus took me out to a big hall, in its centre was a large stage definitely for the fight. It was enclosed in a metal cage, I gulped at the sight. The hall was covered with thousands of people. I instantly regret coming, there were only a few girls in the hall most of them look too confident.

"Come on," Marcus said as he pull me by my forearm towards the stage. He took me to the right side few meters away from the cage from where I can have the best view.

"Sit down!" He said and motioned me to sit on a chair. I saw another man sitting beside us who looked at me quizzically and then at Marcus. He looked a lot like a hunter but a little less tall than him.

"Hunter's girl, Alara!" He said with a smirk and the guy looked at me again to double-check. I blushed hard at being called Hunter's girl.

"So it was true,!" Said the man deeply scrutinising me. I felt a little uncomfortable under his gaze but then he gave me a small smile.

"Nate!" He introduced himself with a curt nod.

"I hope you stay with him, he needs it," he said and I didn't know what to say so I just looked away.

Marcus took the seat beside me, I felt eyes on me all this time but when I look around I couldn't find anyone, only a few men glancing my way from the audience. Some even dare to wink at me, I looked ahead at the cage waiting for this night to end as soon as possible.

"Hello! Ladies and Gentlemen, today we all are gathered for the much-awaited fight of the night between our own most favourite Hunter....." a man standing with a mic in the middle of the stage said and paused as the crowd erupted in screams and yells as they cheered for Hunter. He is loved by so many people.

"And our other favourite Hawk," he said and a few people shouted in his support but I heard Marcus and Nate tense beside me.

"Sh*t!" Marcus whispered under his breath, I looked at him.

"What happens?" I asked.

"Uhmm... nothing. It's just we weren't expecting Hawk today. He is a little lethal and they both have old rivalry so..." He said and I tensed up too.

"But Hunter will be okay right?" I asked him, he kept quiet for a moment then I heard Nate speak with a smirk.

"Oh I bet he will win, he never loses" Nate said and I relaxed. Then something struck me.

"Is Hawk the one who stabbed Hunter a few days ago?" I asked and I saw Marcus pale under my gaze and then nodded meekly.

"But... but he won't use knives here tonight?" I asked with wide eyes.

"There are no rules here, but I hope he won't repeat the same mistake as Hunter beat the Sh*t out of him the last time. He was barely breathing when he was done" Marcus told me with pride. I only manage to smile as my inside was quivering with fear. I never like the violence of any sort and right now I am going to encounter something so...!

"Oh, God!" I said as I sent a silent prayer to God to keep him safe. This time when I looked up I saw Hawk sauntering inside the cage, he was massive with a bulky frame. He looked so dangerous and intimidating than Hunter.

Then I saw Hunter coming inside the cage, before going in he looked in my direction and nodded. I am sure I look like a scared kitten right now because I saw his brown furrows as he took in my face. I don't want him to worry about me right now so I smiled to reassure him that I am fine. He sighed and went inside but I know his focus is on me now.

Both Hawk and Hunter sized each other up as they were standing across from each other. I saw Hunter turn towards Marcus and beckon him.

I saw Marcus talking to Hunter as he looked in my direction, and then Marcus came towards me with a small frown.

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