The lecturer is. Dead

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At Little Hempton a town with a population with a majority of them being humans with smaller population of other people of a magical persuasion. That people in Hempton even see themself as mostly human. Fashion of the town being a sensible type of long pants and long sleeve shirts. Compared to the three surrounding cities with thier flamboyant full dress that take up spaces of doorways and men with large rings on their fingers that made it difficult to do paper work. If city people do visit; many of the town people if they can may politely ask for the money and thank them and ask them to never return while not having to perform any services. Hempton roads filled with steaming locomotive chugging at acceptable speeds. Trams clattering down streets with a spot ready for an old grandma. The great town hall made from pale pink brick and copper bell gone green. Many of the houses showing their age with iron decorated across window and doors from the last great war. Shops with displays of grocers with bright colours with rats-birds nesting in the rafters. It is the type of town that has a middle class snobbish to make aristocrats feel unsophisticated due to whole lot of tradition they keep hold in their hearts. And their crowning jewel of what made Little Hempton unique; is its Collage of all learning. Named sensibly Little Hempton Collage of all Learning. And Terrie Cotta has walked onto a crime scene.

Terrie can see Ms Hex had a bullet wound to the side of her head. Head tilted in a way that the blood ran down her side just like a red curtain would over a chair on a windy day. A letter in terrible writing of flowery description of her pain so unbearable inside lay beside her. Her nails painted and hair nicely cut. A new dress in a plastic cover hanging on a curtain rod. Ms Hex offices is organised and every cabinet closed. And fresh flowers in the bin.

"Excuse me miss; you should not be in here" the last word ending with a whinny. Coming from behind.

Seeing and standing a head higher than her is a female centaur with a navy-blue uniform and leather armour with the exception of a copper chest plate. With each step she herds Terrie out the door and into a long corridor with one side showing the spots field through its many iron windows.

"I am sorry, I was just looking for Ms Hex, she is in building six, floor two, door four. I have an appoint you see." Terrie voice sounding as sand sliding down a dune.

A strangle whinny escape the centaur, "Can I get your name please and where you are staying; we may need to ask a few questions" ignoring Terrie question.

Terrie eyes burning a red glow frame in her red clay face "Terrie Cotta, I am staying at the campus until I find a more suitable accommodation."

It's the bang of a door hitting the wall, as a man walk with large strides as his green suit and purple tie move with extra movement in determination to be sure each movement has not been forgotten.

The man talks loudly as he made his way to them, "So, Robbie I have just talked with the sister, she said they are apparently repairing their relationship. And they were going to travel this afternoon, a day before to their cousin wedding. Ms Hex ex-boyfriend had said that he came by to deliver her stuff and warn her off for contacting his girlfriend. So far, we have no motive. Who is this?" As the man takes a conscious study of her.

Robbie tail flicks, voice snap into response, "Detective Bates, this is Terrie Cotta."

Detective Bates stretch out a hand made of metal as small hiss of steam leak out at joints. Taking his hand of the Detective Bates. Terrie can feel warm metal that have lots of bumps. She can also make out the grey hair and wrinkles around his eyes. Though his constant smile lets youth radiate off him. That youthful energy irks her.

"I hope you not buying the whole ex-boyfriends' story." Terrie mumbles.

"Is that right." His eyebrows rise up his forehead.

Terrie Cotta Tea with DeathWhere stories live. Discover now