Great News Story

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Its morning and the police building has a gather of press waiting out front like gloomy flock of parrots as they look for seeds the famer just planted. Though you cannot scare them off as you can parrots with loud barking dog. The morning newspaper have neatly title Police Bamboozle by Tealeaves and Death, where it continues to say that they did not have any suspects or leads and the death of Mrs Louise Teapot mysteries. The press at the manor is kept away by the security golems as they dive at their head and even taking strands of hair. The rooster chases any that manage to climb over the wall.

Terrie sat at a table with a steaming mug of coffee at the war room of Bones dining table. Anna and McCloud sat at one side with piles of folders. Bones having sent Roddie to walk her path with Tom. As Bates sat next to her. Jared in a form of a bat with his red fur chest as he flaps his wings keeping him cool as he hangs on a rope connected a wooden chandelier with glowing crystal. Other light sources are mosaic windows bringing in and one or two candles place in corners. Most of them not burning. Terrie can feel the fire and flames talk as a young Bones, half of this current Bones size building this strange home. His home three figs cluster together. With a general kitchen and lounge area. From there is a staircase leading down into the ground.

Bone came back to the table with two large bowls of coconia a fermented and roasted nut that have a bitter taste with a rich nutty taste. The leaves however are a low depressant with a hallucinate effect. Making it a lucrative business. Making a highly debate among people. It has course frustration in the police forces. Anna and Bates taken a nut each as the start to bite into its hard body. Bones taking a seat at the front of the table.

"Anna and I will do public relations and try and keep the press interfering in your investigation." Bones said, "And since the press will be looking for the Teapots and anyone associated with them Bate and Cotta will handle a burglary at a Mr Denis Hardware store."

With a little bit more discussion and reminder of paperwork is left for McCloud to do. McCloud shoulders slump and mouth turn down in absolute despair.

"You can have as much coffee and as much of sweets in the cold box." Bones sigh.

It put a smile back on McCloud.

Mr Denis Hardware store sat between a Mrs Poppet Gardening store and Hempton Furniture store. The garden store has display of flower row from red to violet. Hanging baskets of ferns that look soft as golden chick feathers. Hempton Furniture have a hanging swing chairs weave into a ball with space for people to sit while they are shaded from the sun. Mr Denis Hardware store is a little rundown with cracks in the pale green paint and dark wooden frame. Display of paint and wood at the front. In the windows are hammers and screwdrivers. Walking into the shop an elderly man with tan skin using a broom sweeps nut and bolts into a pill. A child that can be no more than four years old is picking up the tools that don't have a sharp edge.

"Hello where here to take a statement on the burglar?" Bates giving a charming smile.

Terrie giving a small smile "We were hoping to talk to the owners of Mr Hardware store?"

The greying hair on his head and deep wrinkles on his hands his voice strong, "I'm Mr Tyler owner of this hardware store; my great-great grandfather is Mr Denis."

Bates shake Mt Tyler's hand. His hand must be firm as Bates mouth twitch a bit.

They were taken to a small office where Mr Tyler explain how they came to find a broken window and tools have been ransacking. The ransacking is of mostly things that can be stuff in bags and resold quickly. They did not have much to follow on and Hempton being a small village and being a small stop point between three trading cities. Many travelers come through and criminals.

Terrie Cotta Tea with DeathWhere stories live. Discover now