Just enough inspiration

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Stars of early evening have move half way when Bones had to concede that though who are not nocturnal or not in any form need to sleep were allow to take a sleep. Roddie gives a wane smile and mention about maybe one of them might solve it as they dream. Tom grumble though no-one was close enough to hear. However, Terrie feels that she knew what he might be grumbling about. Jarryd having been awake all day has taken to doing his nightly patrol even if it happens to take a detour over the Teapot manor and residents of the Teapot families.

Terrie now being the only one awake pick up the book from the book exchange. She did not pay much attention. Most times she would have to read a book three or more times. Golems where good at reading instructions or writing out facts and events. Though when it came to words written to please, sway or for entertainment. Golems have difficulty as imagination is not something that is past onto a golem. Yes she may choose to become a police officer, though many golems go back to farmers or quarry workers. Though she may be exception she is not an only exception. When she became a police officer another golem became an architecture and fifty years later another golem was put in the pages as the bread and pastry for a bakery. However, when ask why they made this choice all of them did not say it was not a choice. Just something added to their clay.

It is nearly seven in the morning and Terrie stands in the small kitchenette over a pan-frying large pieces ham and made a white sauce and in the oven roasting a medley of vegetables. It tickles a memory as she help in the kitchen with her first charge, now an age of mother and wanting to awake the people in the house. They would cook bread and roast game or a rich stew. And before seven they would be sitting around the dining table. Taking her old master innovation, she will start to rouse though still asleep. From the shuffling two of them were waking up. Terrie would skim her eyes over the book she was still reading and the detective would be announcing the murder after explain why each person was innocent.

Roddie is the first to enter the kitchenette. Her yawn showing her back molars. "I did not know you can cook?"

Terrie smiles "yes. I made some stuff potato."

"So how come you can cook. Golems never cook." States Roddie as she takes a plate and picks up a hot potato. Wincing. Then liking her fingers.

Terrie pushing fried vegetables onto a plate. Bates walk in and McCloud behind him. Both taking a seat and both staring at the food. They both have dark shadows under eyes. Being familiar with humans Terrie turn the stove on as a coffee pot start to boil. Tom and Collen and Anna walk in. Anna made her way and stared to boil a kettle and make a pot of tea. Terrie starts to cook the bacon. Jarryd came flying in from the open window last night. Transforming right behind a chair before taking his seat.

"How is your sweetblood?" ask Anna with a hidden smile.

Jarryd who has stop at a butcher pull out a cold milk bottle full of dark blood "Rupie" Jarryd stress "is not my sweetblood."

Tom scoff. As Jarryd glare at him. Bones walk in looking scruffy. The room fell quiet. As eating become a bigger focus. As they eat Terrie starts on cleaning.

"Thank you for the breakfast, Terrie." Anna said and the group respond with a mumble of thank you.

Soon breakfast was finishing and Terrie having been shooed out of the kitchen to allow them to clean their plates. It was odd being shooed out from a job. Normally she be told to do a task and return. She remembers being ask to stay behind and sort out old cases and bring them from paper to be place on little glass titles. Though much heavier the glass titles will not fade and rumours that a new invention will come out and will change how words will be given. With book in hand Terrie sat down to read. The detective in the story starts to give a big revel and states something socking. Terrie pauses as if she was going through something similar. She continues reading as the Detective explains how it was done as they unravel each possible reason for why they can not of committed the crime. Pulling out her note book Terrie start to scribble how Louise murder was committed in the margins of the book. It was how Louise was poison that was not solve yet. Besides ingestion the poison must have been administered another way. A way that only Louise would have contact with however not interfere with another possible person.

Terrie Cotta Tea with DeathWhere stories live. Discover now