Follow the poison!

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Luke McCloud standing in an elaborate gown of feathers and wires. His mood made the staff area an inside of a lava lamp as magic change colour. In their hands was paper.

Terrie smiles back as the mood seem to be contagious as well; "What got you happy?"

Luke holds tighter the paper to their chest. "We just have to wait a bit more."

"I can guess?" Terrie question hanging in the air.

Luke sits down close to her and using dramatics and flare he leans right back bring the back of his hand to his forehead, "I suppose you can."

"So, mentioning Bates means that got to do with the case. Yes." Terrie taps her finger to her chin.

Luke sits up tall "Right."

"And you have been testing for poison, it got to do poison. Yes."

Luke back became less straight and smile a little smaller "Right" they said.

"Then you would happen to know what poison it is?"

Luke looks like a deflated blimp on fire. "Yes."

Terrie leans a little to Luke "Than can I have the repot than."

Luke sat up "Wait it just not what else in here."

"It's not."

"Nope." Popping the P.

"Well than are you going to tell us?" An amuse voice of Blake

Terrie can feel her fire roar and the heat pulsing through her limbs. Luke McCloud looks pale just for a second only to replace with the colour red.

"How long have you been standing their!"

"Oh, long enough to know you got confirmation on the poison."

Luke smiles as his fingers drums constantly as his arms move across table, chair and twisting strands of his long hair. If he himself is wearing red dancing shoes; Luke twirl off the chair.

"Yes, the poison is thallium. Common know use is rodent poisoning. Though it is used for other things. It is readily available in any grocery store." Luke pauses just for a moment, if a breath is to slow.

"A person would die quite quick from thallium. If it is eleven too fifteen milligram or more. Thallium could also take some time to work if it is less and require more than one exposure."

He shakes the repot "Mrs Teapot shows a level close to instant death at eleven milligrams. The teapot shows an almost six milligrams of thallium."

Bate pull a chair out. Taking it, he leans right back and put his leather shoes on a table. Terrie lips tighten at what an equity teacher would call a ruffian move. And security consultant may say an easy way to hide a murder with a bit of imagination.

"So, our victim could have poison with her tea way before her actual death?" Bate deliberate.

Luke graceful movement pose into an exhausted aristocrat. To proper to drape themselves over tables.

"The tea she drank was to put a final nail in her coffin. And depending how she reacted while poison was running in her, she may have written them off as something else."


Mrs Loise had her nose almost touching McCloud as she learns about the poison. Her teeth ground that her jaw began to hurt.

Daiki ran her hands through Terries hair feeling the smooth grooves going down. As she was too young to make proper golems, she stuck to making basic figures when she was alive. Maybe when people start believing in an object and not her, she could pull a reincarnated.

Terrie Cotta Tea with DeathWhere stories live. Discover now