Interviews and Seceret Draw

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Early morning Ghoulish Marrison a journalist for Adlarmes Metropolis Type. Adlarmes the large bustling city of steam, machines and cultures. With inventions decades into the future with flying machines that can carry more than three people. And promises of radios being in each household. Ghoulish Marrison writes articles that appeal to the masses with celebrity gossip and nose for embarrassing moments. His character if Terrie was allowed to opinion, it would be as a slug and ugly as a leech had a child. Ghoulish Marrison is an elf with hair that comes from shampoo commercial and dazzling purple eyes making wonderful disguise away from his revolting personality. And it is on this morning that Terrie sees him. Her mood sours just as milk would.

"Hello Constable Cotta" as Ghoulish gives a flash of pearly whites. "Can I have a moment of your time with the death of Mrs Loise Teacup."

Giving a curt smile and with practice ease "Mister Marrison please put in a request for an interview or wait for a statement to come out. The door will not be open until zero-nine-three-zero hours".

Though it did not deter him try to get in. She can feel the cracks in her clay as they move in an unnatural way as she move around the door keeping Ghoulish Marrison out. One part of her feels stiff as it could not bend. With a sigh Terrie would have to make a day to look after her structure with a soaking in water. It was a tedious chore as she could not do anything while being submerged upon hours. She may need to consume clay as well as chips are being to show on her hands or failing to close.

"Good morning constable." A none accented voice spoke right into her ear.

With an explosion of fire in her, she twists herself around tacking two steps to the side. Image of a weapon up dwarf flash in her mind. Her eyes taking in a pale tall man with fangs sticking over his lip.

"I'm sorry constable. Sorry to have spook you."

"No, it's okay constable Nottly." The pause is awkward. "Anything happened last night."

"Not much Cotta, a few who don't know when to quit when leaving the taverns. And sending messages to the Teapot family to come by for an interview at their early convinces."

That did not work in the big city, normally they had to go to the suspects to get a statement from them. Cities needed all sorts for a working metropolis to function. And many crimes were committed by the heat in the moment, so time is of the essences to make it hard for the culprit to get an alibi straight.

"Do Hempton police station always ask suspects to come in for a statement?" Terrie question.

Nottly chuckles "this is a village getting a day off is not hard, most shops close for lunch." He rubs his pointed chin "and well yes it makes it easier to have a lawful recording, that and it allows us to get some forensic evidence to rule out or challenge what the suspect says. After all Cotta the smart ones would give a clever presented truth and less time, we give them that the better chance of catching them."

"Clever presented truth?" Terrie face blank as she puts the tree words together. "Is that just telling half-truth."

Nottly smile "Bates taught me this, yes half-truth sort of like a clever presented truth but it still means to fabricate a lie. A clever truth means to present a truth but not give details of the truth, such as I had a muffin for lunch compared too, I ate at Second Avenue Café. Still the truth Cotta but two different details."

Terrie rolls the thought like child would roll marbles in a bag as they clank together this new perspective clank with what she experiences and learnt chipping into the old marble.

"Well good morning and have a good day." As Nottly wave as he walks out the door.

Entering the room at the back where Major McKenzie is writing on a glass board with dates on top, with events written in shorthand. Down the side is times written in twenty-four hours.

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