The clock goes down

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At the reception they were handed a letter. The words Chief to Detective Bates and Constable Detective Cotta written in blue ink. Bates tear a nice clean cut with the metal finger. Using one of the expose wires.

Exposing a square of paper. Reading: Return quick. Emergency meeting.

With a fast march and Bates leading through paths as neighbouring gardens trying to reach each other and only a streak of muddy stones showing that there is a walkway between roads. It still is a long walk even when time is saved from short cuts.

The whole police personal where there waiting for them to arrive. Some eating from tin boxes of noodle. Bones face a deep purple and Anna a sheer white. Tension in the room could start a steam train.

Anna coughs gain everyone attention. "We receive word that the new team will be here by eight tomorrow. Even when explaining that the community of Little Hampton supports us and it will course a political stir if they believe its reputation is being slighted."

Roddie hooves stamp the ground. Colin and Tom shoulders tense and Jarryd and McCloud rub their arms as an ominous shadow swept into the room.

Anna deflates as the last cold anger leaves "we need to work together and piece everything we know and make an arrest tonight."

Bones stands up on a chair spreading large pieces of paper as the glass board behind him. Terrie notice that the cartoon images have evolved with Louise looking a bit like a wasp. Gorge has snails crawling over him however the shell of them shows that they are poisons. Gorge wife Janet shows her making a beautiful web. Ian image has a crate with what looks like he is containing secrets and his wife Olvera to have stings connecting to little dolls. Then Rose and Lacey being the most plain. Terrie can not help admire and feel that these images made them look like the truly worse version of themselves.

"Lets start with Gorge does he have motive?" demands Bones.

Tom responds in his gruff voice "yes; Louise stops his employment in other companies and also would bully him."

"What about means?"

Bates interjects "Access to poison from any store that he provides his services too."

"Opportunity?" Bones continue.

Terrie listening attentively adds to Bones unique process of elimination. "No. Witness said he avoid Louise when he could and the times of his alibi puts him in another area." she answers.

"What about Ian?" Bones continue. As they go through Ian, Janet and Olvera each suspect that they did not have access to the poison or opportunity to commit the murder.

"Rose?" Bates grinds his voice. "Does she have a motive?"

Roddie answers "Well she could receive quite a bit wealth from Louise."

Terrie hearing Roddie responses "Today Bates and I saw Gath Vix and Rose has not been doing any of Louise request to gain any of the inheritances."

Anna pulls a folder out of a box "Rose also is a celebrity in the restaurant business and going to start her own restaurant. And she id heiress on her father side of the family." Anna place pictures and news articles of Rose rubbing shoulders with celebrities.

Bones moans "and that leaves Lacey Albert. And we do not know if she has means and proving she has opportunity would be difficult."


The outside world has become a hum as Louise stands in front of the jury. One jury member stands up and it was a shadowy figure. One that Daiki informs that they are still alive since her passing and until their passing they will remain a shadow.

They spoke in a muffle voice. "We have agreed that Louise shall receive her justices as she has strongly suggested she deserve that will best reflect her actions when she was living."

Louise grin as joy rush through her. With victory in her eyes boring at Daiki. "See" she said; "I am going to get want I want."

Daiki gives her smile in return "lets see what happens the."

Terrie Cotta Tea with DeathWhere stories live. Discover now