The Flower Show

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The Hempton Garden Show started with a lot of bustles as many people put up stalls and display areas. Many of the local stores close and any store open are maimed by children to young to have any interest in flowers. Terrie and Roddie walk down one of the paths dedicating to vegetables and fruits. The gardens with their splendour made her fire mourn a dear friend of hers. A garden of noble family that brought her. The gardener is a halfling of a human and a selkie. He created a blue creek leading to a lake with lotus and beautiful dark purple and white small flowers bunch together into a tower and fields of tulips. It was every story she read to her ward when her being have not reach ten years.

Roddie peer at a new flower with five large pink and green petals. Blue veins in its leaves telling sign that it will glow in the night. Roddie breathing deep as she picks up sent. The sent to dull for Terrie to pick up. She preferred coffee or woodfire, something and would seep through into things.

"Have you found a place yet?" Roddie ask her eyes wide.

Terrie eyes move over the crowd. Lingering on those with large coats. "No."

Roddie standing up tall as her ears move taking each sound "How come?"

Terrie can see men bustling over a large statue with a thick wool covering tied tight with rope. A young woman with a bright green dress with fine printed flower stands as she rubs her hand constantly.

"I don't know?" Terrie admits as her face scowls at her thoughts.

Roddie nods "It's a feeling. Humans call it a sixth senses. You know when they say something feels wrong or right." Roddie pause as she watches a child give chase after little curly fur puppy; "so I was wondering."

A scream of no! As a sudden sound of what can be said like standing beside a waterfall. The woman hands held out. Clogs and what appear to be a flute. A large glass hummingbird bounces and breaks in half skid across the ground coming to a halt at Terrie and Roddie feet. The young woman face pale.

"Roddie, can you get some brooms and boxes." Terrie whispers.

Roddie nods her head and takes off to wear cleaning brooms will be. Terrie walks over the glass. Grating against her soles.

"Please don't move I will assist you." She says firmly. Walking over slope to the people surrounded by sharp glistening tear drops of glass in a kaleidoscope of colour. Coming to the young woman face morph in despair. Eyes filling with weeping salt. Terrie grab her hands and slowly rub her thumb over the top of her hand.

"What is your name?" Terrie whisper.

Her eyes blink fast "my name?"

"Yes" Terrie keeping her eyes dim orange.

With a little hiccup "Hillary."

"Well Hillary I am going need you to wrap your arms around my neck. I am going to pick you up and take you away from the glass. Yes?"

She nods her head. Terrie can see people grabbing blankets to place over to people closer to the outside of the shattered sculpture. After Miss Hillary, Terrie proceeds to get Hillary mother and her sister-in-law.

Roddie came back with brooms and three large boxes. After consoling her Terrie went to help.


Mrs Loise eye watch as a water garden suspend above her head. With a variety of aqua plants moving gently with its current. Among them is an underwater city with miniature creatures. A project co-operated by Gorge and Janet with the Hempton Historical Society. Loise gut twist and turn. Pride feels her as the many of the locals talk about the aqua garden. How the Hemptons are talented people. It twists her as her plans of a large teapot flower statue to promote her legacy was never made. She watches as her family greet each other and their plans for the future. How Gorge will be a teacher and Janet starting art projects; Olvera starting her business and Iven saying he going to build a charity for Halfling and giving them a new future.

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