summer love...20

267 13 2

The air is so much cleaner out here, the world looks so much mor vibrant. You are surrounded by people who look like you, and they don't care about who your parents are... well most of them.

"Mija pasame esos platanos, y el mango."
(Pass me the the plantains and mango)

"Si tita, la meto en la bolsa?"
(Yes tita do I put it in the bag)

"Claro mija por eso te las pedi." She laughed
(Of course mija thats why I asked you for them)

I followed her order, going through the supermarket I was happy to be here. I was looking around at people that looked like me. Our cart was super full, but we were feeding the whole family for our visit.

Once we loaded the car it was back to the house, some of my family was coming over today. My tio Jean and and tia Jenny are currently living here, they were the first ones I would see.

Back at my grandparents house I was just helping them get the house ready, it wasn't too much. I am looking forward to make a walk on the beach at night. I wanted my dad to come along but he was long gone probably closer to LA.

"Hola hola, llegamos", the door opened.
(We're here)

It was tio Jean and Jenny, they walked in with food. After setting it down we went straight for the hugs.

"You're so big, I am so glad you're visiting. It is nice to see you.", Jenny said.
They both went in to hug me and I did the same, I remember those times we would hang out together. At the funeral thry were my people, right there by my side an outlet to vent. They stopped me from fighting Beyoncé.

"Necesitas ayuda", she turned her attention back to grandma.
(You need help)

"Si me pueden ayudar arreglar la mesa recuerdense vienen los demas en 2 horas."
(Yes can you help me set up the table, everyone is coming in 2 hours)

She handed me a rag and handed my tia plates, my tio had the spoons. I gave the table a wipe down making sure it was super clearn. Tio and tia focused on the aesthetics setting everything perfectly.

"¿Cómo te va en California?" Tio Jean asked.
(How is it going in California?)

"Me va bien, me acomode a la casa rapido. Todavia no conozco mucho de California pero me encanta."
(It's going good, I got used to the house pretty fast. I still don't know a lot about California but I love it.)

"¿Cuando empiezas escuela?"
(When do you start school?)

"Creo en 3 o 4 semanas, empiezo. Ya voy para sophmore"
(I think 3 or 4 weeks I start. I'm going to be a sophomore)

"Que bueno ya mero terminas, no dejes de ir. El high school is very important, mira a las tias who dropped out." Tio Jean said, "I got my good job my bills are paid, he has a good job. No importa si tu papa tiene dinero, tienes que graduarte."
(That's good, you're almost done, don't stop going. High-school is so important look at your aunts who have dropped out. ... It doesn't matter if your dad has money you need to graduate.)

"Yeah, yo voy a terminar mi educación.", I smiled.
(Yeah I am gonna finish my education)

We talked for a while, they told me about the many plans for the 2 weeks I am here. I was planning to spend some one on one time with them being I was here for a while. They were always pretty cool to be around.

My grandparents had 4 sisters and 3 brothers. Eight kids in total, almost all of them have kids.

Neveah, Celine, Jelian, Estelle, Aracelly, Jean Carlos, Estevan, and Kenny.

Heres the family tree, I mean you'll be hearing about them.

My mom had me.
Tia Celine had Mia, I heard she might be pregnant with her new BF, his name Antonio.
Tia Jelian had Jayne, Felix, and Jolie she was married to Johnny.
Tia Aracelly had Adilene and Oliver, she was married to Gerardo.
Tia Estelle has Leo and Lea twins she was a single mom. Some say her boyfriend couldn't stand her during the pregnancy and went to war to avoid her.
Tio Jean Carlos has not yet had kids, he is married to Jenny.
Tio Kenny had Esteban, Joshua, and Ellisa, all with different moms.

Kynedy CarterWhere stories live. Discover now