legally speaking...26

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My dad let me by a pantsuit and I feel like the most powerful teenager in the world. Should I wear this everyday? I had the coolest boots and hair was slicked back cause I mean business.
We lawyered up baby cause there are things I gotta fix. First we were in the trial against CPS and that social worker, it was towards the end of the trial and they wanted me to speak.
They weren't going to interrogate me like that cause my dad fought against that and so did I but I was still gonna tell my story to them. Our side of the trial was very proof based while CPS was more of smearing our names, they were reaching for everything. Now here came the real part our stories dad went first.

"Finding out I was going to have my first child was amazing, I was so happy. My ex wife and I were preparing like crazy every little detail, we baby proofed that house so well. Her birth was one of the most important days of my life I canceled everything close to her mom's due date. I didn't leave her side once before her birth, I could never miss something so important. Then Kynedy Brooklyn Carter was here I did my best as dad to care for her and her momma. Countless parenting books child development books, shoot I even took classes. I made sure she knew dada was always going to be present. Then in time my ex wife and I split to life differences, and that is where the problems started. See we promised to be equally involved and that we had a smooth agreement, until I began moving on from our relationship. Then she began to contact CPS in New York, I would have social workers at my door for every little scratch, every little cold, and any bruises even when the explanation was valid. Remember I couldn't stop every fall or injury, I tried my best to prevent it. CPS not once cared to show kindness or understanding to my side, my concerns were never taken seriously. Then my wife began acting different than her normal, I had slowly connected the dots to drug use. I reported that and it came back as false but no drug test was done. I began to look through our case worker turns out she was related to my ex. She made herself in charge of my daughter's case and was being bribed, the proof was already mentioned. In the end my custody was reduced with extreme measures. All while at every drop off and pick up my ex was looking worse, getting worse the drug use was clear as day. Rehab was attempted twice she didn't go and our case worker turned a blind eye. I thought she was blind because it was clear as day. There is record of my daughter confirming she saw her mom do drugs. My daughter had to witness the abuse of drugs and that pain, and I couldn't take her out of that home. I tried but if I even tried to pass by her house on a non visitation day that social worker would have me arrested. Then my ex wife passed away from those same drugs, my daughter was finally allowed to move with me. She had to witness drug use and them the after math watching her mom lose her mind and life. I thought finally arriving to California we would have a fresh start, she was finally going to get to know my wife. She was finally seeing her sister besides the weekend, and when it came to transitioning we took our time. We gave her time to adjust into the house, and to us. I thought finally CPS is going to give us peace, I am seen as competent. Then her second day here her first morning back instead of her being able to adjust her body to the time CPS was already at our door. I had to wake her up and of course she would be grumpy she hadn't gotten her full sleep there was so much change going on. That CPS worker then began questioning everything why wasn't her room ready? Why was her stuff still in the suitcase? Do you know what school you're going to? My daughter was answering with attitude, I thought this worker would be understanding or trying to get through it fast. The CPS worker puts her hand on my daughter, my daughter fought back. But why did she have to experience that, aren't we trying to protect our children? Shouldn't they be cared for? You failed at your job you caused my daughter so much harm all the trauma. My daughter's face was unrecognizable swollen bruised and bloody no child should ever had that experience. Her second day, the day that we were going to furniture shopping the day we were going to find a paint color. CPS took that from us and I recognize to an extent it's the workers not the whole organization. But why is there so many cases of issues I think it's time to go deeper into the workers and have strict rules. I'm willing to put money it to see change but CPS needs to show they are willing to change."

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