Chapter Seventy

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"As in many cases, it is our wish to let you ask your questions," Diqui said, "I know very well that you have many."

There was awkward silence. The group were kind of caught of guard by the statement.

"Why were there natural disasters happening?" Zuko decided to go straight to the point.

"That was me. I'm the Earth personified and imbalances can affect me in the worst way, which means if I suffer, so does the physical world." Diqui explained.

"Why were the Orogoi attacking us?" Katara asked.

"It's in their spiritual programming. The Orogoi rise when there is great imbalance in the physical world, they surface to repair the balance which sometimes lead to chaotic results." Yu Dao said sitting back slightly.

"Who releases these spirits then?" Sen asked.

"No one. They act on their own accord, that's their purpose." Agni said.

"We were almost killed?!" Suki exclaimed.

"That may be true. But they knew how capable you were, so did we." Shujin said from the room.

"I have a question for the spirit of air." Aang said as he turned to face the Grand spirit.

Shujin looked up and into the eyes of the Avatar.

"What is it you want to ask, Avatar?"

"You made Sen ageless all these years. Why?". Aang asked.

Shujin frowned.

"Ask him."

Sen gave a little frown that felt guilt.

"He told us. I just want to know from your side." Aang explained.

"There's no need. He didn't do as I instructed him anyway." She said but there was no venom in her voice.

Just disappointment.

"Yeah. My fault." Sen confirmed.

"At least he admits to it." Yu Dao said with an amused scoff.

"Enough, Yu Dao." Father Time scolded.

"It's the truth, Fuqin. You know that white haired airbender is the cause of all this chaos." Yu Dao pressed further.

The Gaang then looked angry.

"Whoa, whoa. What is my fault exactly? And what is the issue?" Sen asked as he stepped forward a bit.

"Yeah. What did he do?" Toph asked coming to his defense.

"We will come to that. But for now, stay calm. In the spirit world, your emotions create your reality and it's dangerous to get angry here." Diqui said.

Sen looked down and sighed before stepping back.

"Anymore questions?" Fuqin asked.

"Why is Azula's fire purple? It used to be blue?" Sen asked.

Azula rolled her eyes at that.

Mei Li sighed. Humans were so blind to the obvious.

"Due to acceptance obviously. She's grown to love her new self and is done with her old nature, without acceptance there is no change. And without change there is no chaos." Mei Li said, "Plus, she's tired of everything."

"Took the words right out of my mind." Azula said silently under her breath.

She felt someone take her hand, she looked up and saw Katara smiling at her. The water tribe girl gave her a hug but Azula stiffened, but slowly hugged back.

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