Chapter Twelve

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Sen got ready to leave the next day, much to the peoples dismay. He knew that they were a little sad because of it but he had to keep moving, he knew that Aang was out there somewhere but he just didn't know where. He wondered if Aang was an old man, it made sense to think that way since a hundred years have passed.

"Do you have to go?". A voice asked behind him.

He turned and saw Suki in her Kyoshi Warrior armor, she also had her face paint on.

"Yes. I need to keep moving". Sen said,"As an Air nomad, I don't really stay in one place".

"I'm sure you'll find Aang". She smiled.

Sen nodded.

Then Oyaji appeared with a smile.

"It was good to have met you, Sen". He said.

"The honor is all mine". Sen said,"I didn't think I would receive this much hospitality".

"Think nothing of it". Oyaji said,"Find the Avatar and help him bring balance to the world".

"Bringing balance was always my priority and it still is to this very day". Sen said.

Oyaji smiled and nodded.

Sen opened up his glider from the staff and he took off flying, he circled above the small village before taking off for the mainland. Suki watched him go with a smile.

"I have a feeling you and I will meet again some day". She said with a smile.


Many months have passed and Sen found himself flying toward Ba Sing Se, his glider was holding up pretty well even after a hundred years. Last Winter, he heard that Aang had defeated an entire fleet of Fire Nation ships back at the North Pole. Sen figured that he probably used the Avatar State to defeat the armada, he was a little surprised that Aang was even able to enter it.

As he flew high in the sky, he noticed a large drill machine heading for the wall of Ba Sing Se. Tundra tanks were driving alongside it and Sen knew that the city was gonna have some trouble. He had been watching the Fire Nation build the drill from scratch and they build it under the base of a mountain, close to the vicinity of the Serpent's Pass. Sen had been spying on them from a good distance away, he was even around when Azula, Ty Lee and Mai came to pick it up to take it to Ba Sing Se.

Sen noticed the wall getting closer and he noticed a general taking to two water tribe teens, an Earthkingdom girl and a boy with arrow tattoos with a lemur on his shoulder. Sen smiled when he noticed the arrow tattoos, he also noticed that Aang was still young and not old at all.

Sen came in for a landing, he jumped to the ground and held his staff at his side. The general and the Gaang turned to look at Sen with surprised eyes.

"Sorry, general but your wall is no match against that drill". Sen said, walking up.

"Yeah, what he just said". Toph said casually.

"Who are you?". The general asked.

"Someone who knows you will lose if you don't find a way to stop that drill". Sen said.

"You sound and look familiar". Aang said, pointing at Sen.

"Must be the hair, huh?". Sen said,"I never really like having hair". He moved a few bangs out of his face and Aang's eyes widened in shock.

"Sen?". Aang asked,"Sen!!!". He immediately ran up and hugged the older airbender.

"It's good to see you too, Aang". Sen said, hugging Aang tighter.

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