Chapter Three

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Sen was in deep thought. He had travelled from the Southern Air Temple all the way to Omashu, it was a lot harder without a flying bison. Since all the bison were gone, he didn't have a choice. He still wondered about the gift that the Air spirit had given to him, not only did she make him ageless but she also amplified his airbending five times stronger than normal airbending and she also increased his speed and agility. He noticed these changes when he travelled.

For once, he was glad that he didn't have his arrow tattoos, it made it easier to hide from firebenders but he was still bald and he knew that he had to grow hair if he wanted to appear normal.

"Sen?". Came a voice.

Sen looked up and saw the Prince of Omashu walking up to him with a sad smile, Sen got to his feet and ran up to him and hugged him.

"It's so good to see you, Bumi". Sen sobbed.

"I heard what the Fire Nation did to the Air Temples from my dad?". Bumi said as they let each other go.

"Yes. I didn't think that this would even happen". Sen said.

"Did Aang make it?". Bumi asked.

"Yeah, he did. He escaped the temple before I did but I don't know where he disappeared to". Sen said.

"I'm sure you'll find him". Bumi smiled,"Both of you are thinking like mad geniuses already".

Sen smiled,"Yeah. But where do I start?".

"I don't really know. It has to be some place that he has never went to". The thirteen year old Prince said.

"The Fire Nation is going to pay for starting this war, especially Firelord Sozin". Sen seethed.

Because of his culture he was torn between killing the firebenders and not killing them at all and just show mercy.

"I heard that Sozin planned this years ago but Avatar Roku was apparently in the way". Bumi said.

"Which explains why he attacked the Air Temples, he didn't want the next Avatar to get in the way". Sen said.

"What are you going to do now?". Bumi asked.

"I need to go to the Fire Nation". Sen said.

"That's suicide. If they see you, they will kill you". Bumi said,"You know that they're still looking for surviving airbenders".

"I don't care". Sen said.

"I don't know how you'll get there". Bumi said.

"One of the Earthkingdom towns have been turned into colonies. Fire Nation ships dock and set sail in these towns, I will sneak into one of them and make my way to the Fire Nation". Sen said.

Bumi smiled,"Mad genius alert!". He wrapped his arm around Sen's shoulders and danced around.

"Hopefully, I'll find Kuzon and get his help". Sen said.

"I'm sure he'll find a way to help you". Bumi said.


Getting to the Fire Nation took weeks but he eventually made it, finding a ship was more difficult than he thought but he found one eventually. He thought about this as he walked through the streets of the capital, he wore a cloak and put on his hood to hide his bald head. He knew that people would recognise a bald head immediately, he didn't want to get caught now.

He made his way past the crowd and came to a house that he was familiar with, he came to the door and gave a knock. After a while, someone came to the door and a young woman was revealed as she opened it.

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