Chapter Six

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When Iroh and Ozai were born, there was a fifteen year difference between them. Iroh was a young twenty six year old man while Ozai was still eleven years old, despite being many years apart they still played together. Hirohitaba passed away eleven years ago when Iroh was fifteen years old, she always spend a lot of time with him and taught him everything about tea and he gained a passion for the hot drink.

Ilah had been feeling ill before the birth of Ozai and after she gave birth to him, her condition worsened even more. Sen knew that she was too sick to have given birth and he knew she was not going to live longer.


A year passed and Firelady Ilah had died, she had succumbed to her illness and she gave up the fight to live. Azulon was saddened by this and he internally blamed Ozai for this, Iroh was more neutral about the situation.

Sen watched as Ilah was being cremated. He put an arm around the twelve year old Ozai and the young prince leaned into his embrace, Sen was the other person he liked most other than his late mother.

"She's dead, isn't she?". Ozai asked.

"She's in a better place that's all you have to know, Ozai". Sen sighed.

"It's my fault she died, right?". Ozai stated.

"What makes you say that?". Sen asked, looking down at the boy.

"Father said that ever since I was born, she became sick because of me. And now, she's dead because of me". Ozai said,"He called it a blood sacrifice".

Sen scowled at this. Azulon had no right to say that to his own son, even if it was hypothetically Ozai's fault.

"Your mother was already sick way back even before you were born, Ozai. She just succumbed to her illness eventually". Sen said.

"So, it's not my fault?". The young prince asked.

"I promise you, Ozai. You have no fault in this situation". Sen smiled down at him.


"What were you thinking telling your own son that it was his fault that his mother died?!". Sen exclaimed as he paced in front of the throne of Azulon who was behind the burning flames.

Azulon had changed the throne room to his likeness, instead of a large seat overlooking the entire throne room, he decided to build a chamber and to build a seat on the inside for him to sit behind a wall of flames. It was the perfect setup if anyone needed to be intimidated.

But Sen was not intimidated in the least when he saw the flames flare up, they did that when Azulon became angry.

"I will deal with my son the way I want. You have no right to pass judgement". Azulon said through the flames.

"Clearly, you've forgotten what I've taught you about being lenient with children". Sen said.

"I haven't forgotten anything". Azulon said,"I just believe a child needs a firm hand".

"No, Azulon". Sen argued,"If you do that, then you'll be moulding your own son to be firm with his children too".

Azulon corked an eyebrow at this,"Why are you so concerned about Ozai?".

"Ozai is more susceptible to violence means than Iroh is. Ozai has an adaptable mind, if he sees that you love children who are violent then he'll do whatever it takes to become violent". Sen said.

"I know how to raise my own children, Sen". Azulon said,"I don't need your advice. I just lost my wife and I want to be alone".

"Fine. Suit yourself, Firelord White Ferret". Sen said before leaving.

Azulon scowled at this.

He used to be the one calling Sen white ferret when he was younger because of his white hair but it seemed like the tables have turned.


Eleven years passed and Ozai was a bad seed when it came to arguing with his father, Azulon. Sen usually had to step in and stop the quarrel before it got out of hand, Iroh kept more to himself and he always showed Sen respect because he was grateful to have him in his life. A twenty three year old Ozai was hot headed, a seventy four Firelord was thick headed but a thirty eight Iroh was worth while. Sen had more headaches in one day than it did for a normal person in one year.

The royal family was difficult to handle. Especially for an airbender in an ageless fourteen year old body. He needed a break from all the drama and everything else.

He thought about this as he walked through the streets of Hira'a, a backwater town in the outskirts of the Fire Nation. He couldn't even remember the last time he practised his airbending with all this drama going on, he just couldn't take it anymore. Even a seven year old Lu ten couldn't cheer him up, the son of Iroh was trying his best to cheer him up but it didn't work. Sen had just been exposed to too many deaths as of late and he was depressed.

Then he felt himself bump into someone, he quickly composed himself and looked up and saw a beautiful fifteen year old girl looking at him with a soft expression.

"Oops! I'm so sorry, I didn't you see there". The girl said.

"No, it's my fault". Sen said,"I wasn't paying attention when I was walking".

"Aren't we all?". She smiled.

Sen laughed and she joined in too.

"I'm Ursa". The girl said, holding out her hand.

"Sen". He said taking her hand and they shook hands.

"Sen? As in the Royal Liaison?". Ursa asked.

"Great. I'm famous too now, as if I didn't have enough on my plate". He said.

"Sorry. It's just that I expected you to be older. People say you got Firelady Hirohitaba's son a wife". Ursa said.

"Yes, many people probably think that". He said.

"So, how are you still the same despite the number of years that have gone by?". Ursa asked.

"I can't age". He said.

"Come again?". Ursa cocked her head to the side.

"I'm an airbender and I encountered a spirit in a forest and it blessed me with agelessness". He said.

Ursa laughed,"Okay, I believe the spirit part but I can't believe the airbender part. All airbenders are extinct".

He blasted a wave of air at a tree and it bowed to the side, he turned and looked at Ursa again. Her eyes were wide and her mouth was open agape.

"But how....? You just.....".

"I'm the last surviving airbender. Firelord Sozin imprisoned me but then his wife freed me and I worked with Royal Family ever since". Sen said.

"This doesn't seem possible". Ursa said.

"I hope you can keep secrets because you're keeping this one". He said.

Ursa quickly nodded.

"Good". He smiled,"Take care, Ursa. I have something to take care of".

"Wait!". He heard her say.

He turned and faced her.

"Why is your hair white?". She asked.

"Because I asked for it". He replied.

He saw the confusion on her face and he smiled, he then turned and continued walking.


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