Chapter Forty Three

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Katara was walking through the halls of the Palace, she was deep in thought. Her talk with Sen a few days ago had her shaken to the point that she searched for Toph and immediately apologized to her and the two made up after that. The past few days they worked on a plan for the two Airbenders to make up, they realized that the only way for them to make up was to take them back to where everything began.

As she finished thinking about this, she looked up and saw the white haired airbender sitting in the dining room enjoying a nice breakfast. She also noticed that he had stopped eating meat, which surprised her but then reminded herself that he was no Sokka.

"Morning, Sen".

"Morning, Katara". He said with a small smile.

"How are you doing?".

"I'm great. You?". He asked, turning to look at her.

"I'm fine". She responded,"Great in fact, because I wanted to know if you wanna join me, Aang and Toph for a picnic?".


"I know you and Aang aren't on the best of terms bu- Wait, what?!".

"I said sure". He repeated.

"Oh, okay. Okay, great". She said, starting to back up,"I'll see you later then".

Then she took off. Phase One complete.

Now for Phase Two.


Sen whistled a tune as he walked along the footpath of the courtyard, while twirling his staff in his left hand. He thought about what he and Katara talked about this morning and he thought that it was a good idea for a  picnic, even if he and Aang were not on good terms. He then saw Aang on Appa's head tying the reins to his horns, he then saw Momo scurrying through some bushes and he figured that he was probably looking for some bugs to munch on.

He came closer and saw Toph already in the saddle, trimming her nails. He also noticed that she was doing a few lady like things along the way. Guess Mai and the others were rubbing off on her.

"Hi, beautiful". He smiled up at her.

"Hey, Feathered feet". Toph said before smiling down at him.

He smiled before he saw Katara throwing a bag onto Appa's saddle, the white haired airbender analyzed the saddle very carefully before he noticed the many bags and supplies.

"We're not going on a picnic, are we?". He asked turning to her.

"Nope". Katara smiled.

"Then where are we going?".

"We're going on a life changing field trip". She smiled, a little too sweetly for Sen's taste.

"About time I got one anyway". Toph said from the saddle.

"Let's get going already". Aang said,"We're already burning daylight".

"Okay, sweetie". Katara said before climbing up the saddle.

Sen shrugged before using his airbending to jump up onto the saddle.


After flying for a whole day, the night hit them like realization. They stopped for the night because Appa became tired and they all needed to rest. They stopped by a river with good trees to use as firewood, Aang went to collect firewood, Katara took out their pots to make their dinner, Sen was busy making sure their campground was safe and Toph was well, Toph.

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