Chapter Four

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A full year passed and Sen still found himself in his cell. A guard who usually brought him food and water mocked him every chance he got and sometimes tossed the food into the cell, making it inedible. The young airbender grew hair after a year and it was wavy and neck length but it was unusually white in colour. He probably figured that it was the spirit's doing. He had been getting visits from the Firelady as well, he usually ignored her when she rambled about how much she loved tea.

She was kind unlike Sozin but Sen decided not to give her the benefit of the doubt, so he remained quiet when she spoke to him. Despite the passing of one year, she still made it an effort to visit him. She, along with the others wondered why his hair was white but Sen decided not to answer their questions until it was only necessary.

He felt the bangs of his white hair fall in front of his eyes, he hated having hair. This was why Air nomads preferred staying bald, they didn't need hair before and they don't need it now. Sen shifted his gaze toward the cell door when he heard it open, he saw the guard come in with his food.

"Hey, here's your food". The guard said.

He then tossed the food to the dirty floor where it splattered, the guard laughed loudly before walking out again and closing the cell door. Sen looked at the food that was splattered on the dirty floor, he had not been eating well this past year and it was starting to take it's toll on him. His meditations were not helping anymore.

He was about to move toward the wasted food but then stopped when he heard a familiar female voice, he quickly sat back in his previous position.

"Is the airbender eating well?". The Fire lady's soothing voice asked.

"No, Lady Hirohitaba". The guard said nervously.

"I saw you throw his food at him last time, soldier". She said,"I know you threw his food today as well".


"Don't try to explain anything". She said,"If this happens again, I will personally deal with you myself".

"Yes, Lady Hirohitaba". The guard said.

Sen could understand why the guard was afraid of her because the Firelady was a very powerful firebender, she was half as good as Sozin was and she could be very intimidating when she needed to be.

"Open this cell". She ordered.

Sen heard the guard quickly fumble for the keys before opening the cell door, then he saw the tall woman enter with an essence of regality around her.

"Look at this mess". She said, noticing the wasted food on the dirty floor.

Sen could hardly hear her as he was losing grip on reality, he hadn't eaten in days. Meditation had helped to keep the hunger at bay but it was getting difficult because he needed the energy, he was tired and his eyes were feeling heavy already.

"How are you today, Sen?". The Firelady asked.

Sen as usual remained quiet.

"I love your white hair". She said next, trying to get him to talk.

No response.

"Do all Air nomads have white hair or is it just yours?".

He closed his eyes at the mention of his people. He had heard that the remaining surviving airbenders were found and killed one by one, Sozin had instructed the soldiers to use airbender artefacts to lure the airbenders to specific locations to kill them more easily.

He and Aang were the last airbenders now. That realisation hit him harder than anything else before.

"I feel terrible for what happened to your people". The Firelady said,"If it were up to me, I would have prevented it".

Sen couldn't keep his eyes open anymore. He felt himself fall forward, he hit the floor and he slipped into unconsciousness. Hirohitaba gasped in shock and ran up to him and checked to see if he was still alive, which he was.

"How long has it been since he last ate?". The Firelady asked the guard who was stationed on the outside.

"Last week, My Lady". The guard said.

"You fool!". She exclaimed,"I will deal with you later".

The guard gulped at that.


Sen felt heat warm his skin, he moaned in content and slowly opened his eyes. Then he felt a splitting headache arise as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the sun shining through a window and he realized that he was lying on a bed.

" I?". He asked clutching his head.

"Ah, so you decide to finally speak". A voice said from his left.

He slowly tilted his head and saw Firelady Hirohitaba sitting in a chair, drinking some ginseng tea. Upon looking closely at the detail in the room, he realized he was in her chambers.

"Why am I outside the cell?". He asked.

"Because I don't see you as a prisoner". She said, taking a sip from her cup of tea.

Sen groaned when he felt his head pounding.

"Sit up and have some tea, it will help with the headache". She said,"You haven't eaten in days, you need to rest and regain your energy".

Sen sat up and slowly took the cup of tea from a small table on his right, he took a slow sip and he felt his headache easing slightly.

"Better?". She asked.

Sen nodded at that.

"Good. I told my servants to bring food up to my chambers, so you will get to it soon". She said.

"Why are you being nice to me?". He asked.

"It's not because I care. I just have an interest in you". She smiled.

Sen knew from the look she gave him, he knew she was probably right.

"I'm also in the need of your assistance". She said.

"For what?". He asked.

"My duties as Firelady keeps me away for hours from my son, that's why I need someone who can look after Azulon while I'm busy".

Sen raised an eyebrow at this,"You want me to babysit?".

"Basically". She responded.

"What about the servants in the palace?". Sen asked.

"They don't have the same bond with children that Air nomads do". She said,"That's why I'm trusting you to raise my son, I know that Air nomads were always good with children".

"Yes. I did look after children when I was younger". Sen said.

"Then it's settled. You help me with raising my son and I'll give you your freedom". She smiled.

"Will I be allowed to leave the Fire Nation?". Sen asked.

"No, you are not allowed to". She said,"It is not permitted".

He nodded in agreement. There was nothing out there for him anyway.

"I'll do it". He said.

Firelady Hirohitaba smiled.


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