Chapter Thirty

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Even after the whole wedding fiasco, the group still decided to stick around the estate for awhile, there was nothing for them to do anyway. So they got the idea of sparring and try to kick back into shape, these past four years reminded them how much they were slacking off and how rusty they were becoming. They were holding their sparring match behind the estate in the garden so they wouldn't draw any attention.

"You're going down, Aang!". Zuko said as he blasted a stream of fire at Aang.

"We'll see about that". Aang replied dodging the blast with ease.

Zuko ran up to him with a kick, the young Avatar rolled under the attack and sent out a horizontal blast of air. Zuko saw the attack and sidestepped it and then he released a jet of flames toward the Airbender, Aang saw the attack and usdd his airbending to disperse the flames.

Then Aang fired a torrent of fire at the young Firelord who sidestepped the attack first before dispersing it with his hands, then he blasted a jet of flames at Aang again.

"Nice try, Zuko". Aang smiled after he evaded all of the flames.

Then out of nowhere, a powerful blast of air hit them both and sent them tumbling into some bushes. Sen appeared with a laugh.

"Point for the original airbending master". He said, pointing at the rising forms of Zuko and Aang.

Then a jet of water hit him in the side and sent him crashing against a tree trunk.

"Correction, waterbending is the original winner against all the other elements". Katara said with a smile as she walked up.

Suki, Sokka, Toph and Mai cheered from the sidelines. Azula merely rolled her eyes.

"Game point. Katara wins". Sokka said.

"WHAT?!". Zuko, Aang and Sen exclaimed in unison.

"Sorry boys, but we can have a rematch if you want". She smirked at them.

"You make it sound as if you'll win again". Zuko stated.

"isn't it obvious?". She pointed out.

"You cheated in that last part". Aang said.

"It was a last man standing sparring match and none of you were still standing". She answered,"Besides, Sen also did a sneak attack so if I cheated then so did he".

"Oh, come on". Sen said.

"Hey, the match is done". Sokka said,"We need new players on the field".

Everyone looked around and tried to decide who was next.

"Why don't the Avatar and I have a sparring match?". Azula asked with a calculated smile,"Our confrontations were always short lived in the past. Maybe this way we can finally prove who the stronger one is".

Aang went pale for a second,"Uhh....."

"No, I won't allow Aang to spar with you". Katara said,"Not after what you did last time".

Sokka looked sad,"Katara, you don't have to bring that up every chance you get".

"No, Sokka-".

"No. He's right, Katara". Aang spoke up,"You need to stop bringing that up. What happened a long time ago already happened, there's nothing we can do to change that".

"I'm not letting you near that witch!". Katara said.

Azula glared at her,"I'm right here, water peasant".

Katara had to close her eyes to hold in her rising temper.

"We're all friends here, Katara. Even if Azula would want to try anything, she knows she's outnumbered". Aang said,"It's gonna be a quick spar".

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