Chapter Twenty Four

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Sen found Zuko sitting in his study, the Firelord was busy signing some treaties to stop some of the disputes that have been going on in the northern areas of the Fire nation. He was so engrossed in his work that he didn't even notice the Airbender take a seat in front of him.

Sen waited a few moments before clearing his throat. Zuko looked up at that moment.

"Oh, hey Sen". The Firelord said,"When did you get in here?".

"A second ago". Sen smirked,"You aren't too busy, are you? I gotta ask you something".

"Yeah, Sen. I think you and Toph are a great match". Zuko said with a smile.

"What, no, no. Not that". Sen said,"It's about something else".

Zuko sat back and urged the airbender to continue, while indicating that he had his full attention.

"It's about Azula". Zuko's eyes immediately closed on instinct,"And before you react, hear me out. I think something weird is going on at that facility, Ty Lee told me that Azula had been in the same condition since her birthday which was a year ago".

"So, what does this all point to?". Zuko asked after a moment of silence.

"What if Ty Lee is right and those doctors are doing something to her?".

Zuko frowned at that,"That would be a serious accusation, Sen".

"I know it sounds far fetched, Zuko". Sen said,"But I have a real gut feeling right now and tells me that Ty Lee is right".

Zuko sighed,"Why don't you go to the facility and see for yourself then".

Sen was surprised by that,"Just like that?".

Zuko was confused by his statement.

"Yeah, just like that. Is there something wrong with that?".

Sen shook his head,"No, I was just expecting you to give a speech on how she almost tried to kill you and the others".

"Azula and I may had a dark past but it doesn't mean that I don't care about her".

Sen smiled at that,"You sure are something else, Firelord Zuko".

"Thank Uncle for that". Zuko smiled.


Sen observed the inside of the facility as he entered it, a few Fire Nation guards and Ty Lee was behind him. Ty Lee walked up and stood next to him and watched the facility with gleaming eyes, she had never seen any place so clean in her life before even though she had already visited the place multiple times.

"Seen anything so clean in your life before?". She asked him with a smile.

Sen rolled his eyes,"They probably sterilize the place every end of the day".

Ty Lee just shrugged.

They then noticed a middle aged man wearing glasses and a white attire approaching them, he put on a smile as he came closer.

Ah, visitors". He said,"Welcome to our medical institution, Liaison Sen and Master Ty Lee".

"Thank you for the warm welcome, Mr......?!".

"OH, I'm Zhu". The man said,"I currently run this institute. The head doctor could not be here today because of a cold he contracted".

"Oh, then you can probably help us with something". Sen said.

Zhu smiled at that,"Oh, yes. How may I be of service to you?".

"We need to visit Princess Azula I want to see how far she's fairing in her recovery". Sen said.

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