5. Without a freaking shirt!

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Rooh's POV-

"Hi uncle how are you?" I was talking with Uncle Jeon on the phone.

"Hello Rooh. I am fine. How are you doing. Do you like your work?"

"Oh yeah uncle. It's fun. And I am very happy that I got this job. I am enjoying everything here."

"That's good. Me and your aunt will come there next Saturday. She is so excited to meet you in person."

"Can't you come this week uncle. I wanna meet my aunt and please tell her to make kimchi for me." I whined.

"Haha. She is already thinking about making a lot of dishes for you and her son. And we can't come this weekend as I have some work here."

"Oh it's okay uncle. I am just excited that's why I asked you to come earlier. Hehe.

Wait a minute. Hyun oppa is in Seoul right now?" I saw him for the first time on video call when I was talking with Jeon aunt around one year ago. He was so sweet. We talked for half an hour that day and instantly became friends. After that we used to talk casually from time to time. Though I haven't met him personally but now I will be able to meet him personally. I am so excited.

"Aah...n-no. Actually I am talking about my second son, G-guk." I felt bad that I lost a chance to meet him but no problem I will call him later.

"Oh okay." About uncle's second son I don't know much. I just knew that his name is Guk and he also lives in Seoul.

Just then I remembered something.

"Umm... Uncle Jeon. Can I ask you something?"

"Yes, my child"

"Who lives next door?" I finally asked without hesitation as I was curious.

There was a long pause before he spoke.

"I think you should find out yourself. I bet you will be surprised. Haha" he puzzled me more.

"Please uncle tell me" If earlier I was curious...now I am damn curiouser.

He laughed it off. And changed the topic. We talked for a few more minutes then I cut the call with a goodnight.


After taking a shower, I came into the kitchen.

It was almost 10:30 and I was searching for some midnight snack. Yeah it was too early to call it a midnight snack but who cares.

I searched for something to eat in upper cabinets but couldn't find anything to eat. Then I started rummaging the lower cabinets.

Just when I was about to touch a box, a lizard came out from the cabinet and I screamed as loud as I could.

I hate lizards to the core. You can say I have a phobia that's called herpetophobia( fear of lizards).

I panicked and screamed again and again and came out of my home.

My eyes were closed due to fear and anxiety and I didn't know where I was going. Without looking up, I jumped on whoever came in front of me.

A few seconds later, that person patted my back after realising that I was having a panic attack. A few minutes later, I calmed down.

The moment I looked up, I saw the last person whom I could ever imagine to be in front of me right now. The golden maknae of BTS.



Oh my god!

What the freak Rooh. You just jumped on 'The half naked Jungkook' that too without his permission. Girl, if ARMY found about this you will be dead.

Ughh...wrong timing inner voice.

I just stood there like a statue and stared into his eyes.
Woah! His eyes were as deep as an ocean and they were so beautiful.

We stared at each other for a few minutes before I moved my eyes away from his and looked down.

His whole upper body was on display. And those tattoos were freaking amazing. His abs, his tattoos, his muscles all were on display and I was checking him out in front of him shamelessly. I moved away from him and looked here and there. It was so awkward for me.

"I am s-sorry" I apologized.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

Then I remembered why I got myself into this awkward situation.

"Umm.. act-actually, there was a li-lizard in my kitchen a-and I am very scared of them. So I screamed and came out and this happened. I am s-sorry. I shouldn't have done that." I told him and again apologised for my behaviour.

But when I looked at his face, he had this unreadable expression on his face which vanished within a few seconds.

"It's okay. I can understand. Do you mind if I check?" He asked me cautiously. I nodded.

"Thank you so much. It will be great as I can't even go inside with the fear that it might come again for me and will attack me."

He chuckled. He freaking chuckled. But why.

'Right now he is your saviour. So he can do whatever he wants.'  Well she is right.

'Oh yeah I am always right girl as I am your inner voice😏. '

Yeah whatever.

Then, he went inside while I stayed outside.
After almost five minutes, he came back with a black plastic bag. I panicked and moved to the farthest corner away from my apartment's door.

He shook his head and chuckled. Although I liked the sound of his chuckle, but it was annoying as he was chuckling at me.

A few minutes later he came back from... I don't know where.

"I caught the lizard in that plastic bag and threw it outside. So don't worry it won't come back." He assured me.

"Aah! Thank you so much. I really mean it."
I thanked him heartily.

"Don't know what I would have done if you weren't here?" I said. But wait... Why is he here?

"Sorry to ask you but what were you doing here?" (Like this... without a freaking shirt) I didn't ask the last part.

"I live next door." He replied.

"WHAT!!" I said aloud.

"Umm...yeah!" He scratched his neck while answering.

"Wait. What were you doing in that apartment?" He asked me looking confused.

"Because I live there." I replied nonchalantly.

"WHAT". Now he said aloud. 

"But h-how" Jungkook is full of questions today.

"What do you mean how. I rented this place"
I replied.

"What do you mean rented? I own this floor. Everything belongs to me and my father here." He was confused.

"Wait a minute.You own it... Your father..?  Are y-you U-uncle Jeon's son.... Second son?" I shockingly asked him.

"Yeah" His simple reply shocked me.

Hi guys. I hope you liked this chapter. There will be more and more interesting chapters so stay tuned.

See you in next chapter. Borahae BTS and ARMY 💜

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