8. Talk to her

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Jungkook POV -

It was 11 in the morning when I woke up. The first thing that came to my mind was her.

I got up from my bed and went to the bathroom to do my morning routine.
I took a shower and wore my black loose pants and a black t-shirt.

I went to the kitchen to make my brunch as it was almost noon. I fried eggs and made toast with some sausages and a glass of cold milk as I love milk. I ate my brunch.

After that I decided to call my father as I wanted some answers from him.

I called him but his number was busy as he was talking with someone else.

After around 10 minutes, he called back.

"Hello appa (dad). How are you ?"

"Hello son. I am fine. How are you doing?"

"Appa. What's happening here? Why didn't you tell me about all this earlier?" I didn't reply to his question and asked him another question.

" Son I know you must also be upset with me." Also? I thought. It means she was upset too. Of course, who wouldn't be.

" Appa. Why did you both do this? If I had known all this, that girl would not have been so upset and hurt. I could have handled all this easily."

There was a silence before my father spoke again.

"I am sorry. But I and your uncle did all of this because of you."

"What! Because of me. But why?" I was confused as to why I was involved in all this when I didn't even knew her.

"Actually, as you already know that she is the daughter of my best friend from India, Kapoor.

Well, she is a big fan of your group. She wanted to come to korea for quite some time. So I thought if she got to know that you are my son, then it may cause a hindrance in your privacy. I mean your Uncle Kapoor knew you but he also suggested the same.

And then she got a job in your company so we thought that our assumption was true."

"But d-dad..." I was about to say something but he interrupted.

"Son, we were wrong.

We were wrong all this time.

It wasn't like that.

She was not an obsessive fan.

We should have trusted her.

And of all the people, we both hurted her the most.

And now she doesn't want to talk to both of us."

"Hey dad. It's... It's okay. I'll talk to her. Don't worry. And please tell my Uncle not to take any kind of stress.

I am not saying anything but it doesn't mean that I am not upset. I am letting this slide because right now she is important and we all should focus on her."

"Thank you Jungkook for understanding. And I am sorry, son.

One more thing, me and your mother will come there next Saturday."

"Okay dad. Bye take care."

"You too son." With that he hung up.

Misunderstanding can really lead to big disasters.

I sighed. It's gonna be a long long day.


Right now I am standing in front of her door. 'Jungkook you can do this. Fighting!!' I told myself.

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