15. The t-shirt!

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Rooh's POV -

While feeding me, he stayed still for a few moments and was staring at me. I furrowed my eyebrows thinking why he was looking at me like that. And then he started slowly moving towards me. I became self conscious as now his face is literally few inches away from mine.

"Jun... jungkook. Wh-what are..." I was saying when his hand touched my lips and everything stopped at that moment.

His eyes were on my lips and I just couldn't breathe. He slowly moved his fingers on my lips like he was wiping something. He then looked into my eyes with a glint of mischievous smile and then it hit me. He was just teasing me.

I widened my eyes when realisation hit me and watching my reaction, he laughed and moved back to his seat.

"YAA!!" I bursted and he started laughing loudly and soon enough my embarrassment went away and I also started laughing with him.

After a few minutes of laughing like maniacs, I told him not to do that again or else I will beat him.


*Knock knock*

"Do you need any kind of help?" He asked me but I was a bit hesitant to ask him.

"No-no, I'll manage. You go watch your movie."

Actually a few minutes earlier,  I told him that he can watch the movie as I have to take a bath but as my hand is injured I wasn't able to take my t-shirt off of me.

Yesterday was fine as Bit Na helped me in taking the shower but today I don't know what to do.

I sighed and tried again but couldn't take this damn piece of cloth off me.


I was coming out of the bathroom when I saw jungkook still leaning on the wall in front of the bathroom door.

"Umm...I already guessed it that's why I asked you if you need any help" he said shyly scratching the back of his head.

God! can this earth swallow me...like right now?

I stayed silent looking down.

"Umm... Actually I can't take this tshirt off me.... Can...can you help me.

Oh god this is so embarrassing."

"Hey. It's not embarrassing... it's just you are injured... Nothing more. Don't worry I won't look." He said sounding so mature as if my presence won't affect him.

'Maybe he doesn't consider you as a woman. That's why he is not feeling anything while saying all this. Girl, I think you are out of the game.'

'there you go again. Don't you have anything else to do. And what game? I am not competing for his love.'

'When did I say the L word. Woah you are too fast. I'm proud of you girl. Go and show the man what you got!'

'Fuck off!!!'

I came back out of my thoughts. And looked at him. He was looking at me asking for my permission.

I nodded and went back to the bathroom. He came behind me. He closed his eyes and asked me for my permission. Aww what a gentleman.

He came towards me. I guided him and he started taking my t-shirt off of me. His eyes were closed but my mine were not. I was looking at his moves and his face. I never saw his face this close. The mole below his lips was so tempting that I bit my own lips. His lips piercing was enhancing the beauty of those lips.

Oh god what the hell I am doing. No no I can't... I can't think like this about him. What will he think of me. No no. He will definitely think that I am a pervert.

I quickly removed my gaze from his face.

When he was removing my t-shirt his hands slightly brushed my stomach and it was like my whole body was electrified.

He quickly muttered a sorry.

Oh Jungkook what are you doing to me.

Although it all happened within one minute but it felt like hours.

After removing my t-shirt he quietly went out of the bathroom. I then took deep breaths I was holding for don't know how long.


Jungkook's POV-

After eating the food she went to take a bath. But I thought it will be difficult for her to remove her tshirt so I went behind her to ask if she needs any help or not. I was just concern about her hand. What if she hurt her hand again.

First she refused but then she opened the bathroom door and asked for help feeling embarrassed. I told her not to feel embarrassed as it's about her injury and I told her that I will close my eyes.

She agreed.

My eyes were closed but I could feel her eyes on me. My heart was racing so fast. But I stayed calmed.

As I was removing her t-shirt, my hand slightly brushed with her stomach and a cold shiver ran down my spine. I quickly muttered sorry as I don't want her to think of me as some pervert.

After doing my task, I came out of the bathroom and took deep breaths. It was like I was running for an hour. It was damn difficult for me to maintain my composure when she was this close to me. I have never felt like this.

She came out of the bathroom in a blue half sleeve shirt and a pair of  white cargo pants. Damn she was looking so hot in those simple clothes.

"Hey are you okay?" She asked me furrowing her eyebrows.

I got confused as to why she was asking me this. I frowned and asked, "why?"

"Your ears and cheeks are red."

Oh god. Did I blushed just by watching her. Damn my hormones. I am not a fucking teenager then why am I behaving like that.

"Oh it's too hot here. Let me drink some water." I lied. Of course I can't tell her that I freaking blushed because of her.

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