47. Break up

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(A/N: Jungkook's POV of this situation is in 33 Chapter)

I was lost in my thoughts when the door bell rang. I know its him. But I am not prepared yet...and will never be. But I have to do this.

I got up and went towards the door.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw his smiling face. I melted after seeing him after one month. He hugged me and it felt so right as if I was only made for his arms. But I couldn't bring myself to hug him back because of the guilt.

How will I live without him. How can I break this angel's heart.

No no I can't do that.

He said a few things to me but I didn't understand what he said as I was not in my right mind.

He put his hands on my shoulders and then I decided that I have to do this for him so I looked up and told him, "Let's break up!"

He was shocked...was an understatement. I saw shock, hurt, confusion in his eyes.

"Wh-what...babe... wh-what are you saying?" He asked.

"I said let's break up Jungkook." I said with no expression. But I was crying hard from inside.

"But why Rooh. I love you and you love me then..."

"I never loved you" I have to say harsh words so that he will hate me and leave me.

"What rubbish! I know you love me. Tell me why...are you saying all this.... Huh. Did I...I do something wrong?" He said and he was shivering now.

Why....just why can't the idols live their lives peacefully.

I have to do all this because the public will never accept me and they will torture him for liking someone who is not upto his standards. And if they get to know about the pregnancy...they will try to hurt him more and will destroy his and other oppas career. No no... I can't let that happen.

"No, You didn't. I did." I said.

"Wh-what are you saying, Rooh?"

I removed his hands from my shoulders and said, "I am sorry. It's me who was wrong... I was wrong that I pretended to like you. I don't like you, Jungkook. You were just a rebound."

I am sorry Jungkook. I am so sorry. I was shouting from inside.

"What! No... you like me... scratch that you love me Rooh. I know that. I can see it in your eyes."

I chuckled sarcastically. I have to behave like this so that he will believe my fake words.

"That love you saw in my eyes... was for someone else."

I know, this sentence broke his and my heart completely.

"Some-someone else?" He grabbed my shoulders tightly... so tightly that it hurted my body but not more than my broken heart.

"Tell me clearly what do you wanna say Rooh."

"Leave me." I removed his hands and pushed him and he fell on the floor.

I was literally crying from inside. It broke me from inside. I... I can't see him like this.

"I lied to you when I told you about the reason why I came here. I came to Korea because my boyfriend broke up with me. I loved him and he loved me too but because of some misunderstandings we broke up. I wanted to punish him for pushing me away.

But when I went back to India, he came to met me and we cleared our misunderstandings. And the moment I saw him I realised that I am still in love with him. I was in love with him this whole time. I-I always imagined you as him because your personality is almost same as his.

When you told me that you like me, I thought that I will like you eventually but whenever we kissed, I imagined him kissing me...and I..."

"STOP!! THAT'S IT!!" He shouted because I know, my words broke him completely.

He looked into my eyes but I didn't show any emotions from outside but inside...i was crying loudly hoping that he would hear my inner voice and not believe my fake words.

"HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO ME? HUH!WHY? WHY ME?" He shouted on the top of his voice that I flinched.

"I .. I..." I said but he stopped me. He stood up and asked," Just tell me one thing... Did you ever...even for a single second liked me?"

'Of course I like you. I love you so much that it hurts to break you like this...to leave you like this. I don't know how I am gonna live without you. I... I love you Jungkook. I liked you from the moment I saw you for the first time. I love you every second every minute every hour.' I said inside my head.

"Jungkook... I.."

"SAY YES OR NO!" He shouted on the top of his voice.

I closed my eyes to gather myself because I can't break right now in front of him. A few seconds later, I opened my eyes and looked straight into his eyes with fake coldness.

"NO!" I said.

I am sorry Jungkook... I am so sorry baby.

He cried. I can't watch him like this so I closed my eyes.

"Rooh tell me you are lying. It's not true, right? Tell me that whatever you said right now is wrong. Please Rooh I... I beg you. Please tell me that you love me. Tell me that all this is just a prank. Please Rooh say something.... please" he said.

'Yes Jungkook it's not true. I love you so much. I am sorry baby for hurting you like this.'

I was standing like a mannequin this whole time because I can't express my real emotions in front of him.

"It's true Jungkook. I am sorry for hurting you. But it was you who liked me first. So technically it's not my fault." I said bitterly.

"My fault? Seriously! Don't stoop so low Rooh that you can never rise even in your own eyes." He said harshly.

"I came back early because I wanted to tell you as soon as possible that I don't love you and I am going back to India...to my true love and will never come back."

It hurts...so much because I won't be able to see him again.

"One more thing, don't contact my parents to get me back as I am getting ma-married next month." I stuttered but I had to say that because my parents still don't know about all this. I don't know how they will react to it.

He immediately look up into my eyes...

I know he is shocked about the marriage thing. But I have to say that because of the plan.

"Why Rooh ....why did you break my heart like this. Because of you, I will never be able to trust anyone...let alone love anyone. Why? Why did you do this to me?" He cried.

I know... I am sorry Jungkook but I have to do all of this bullshit because of your safe future.

"Look Jungkook not everyone is like me. I am sure you...you will find someone who will love you." I tried to reason so that he will move on from me. But he laughed sarcastically and then looked dead serious into my eyes.

"Just shut up! You don't have the right to say anything to me.. especially about love. You broke my heart completely. I..."

He stood up and wiped his tears. He looked straight into my eyes with coldness that I got scared and he said, "I curse the day I met you. I regret that I loved a girl... like you. I regret everything. And I just wanna say one last thing to you...NEVER EVER SHOW ME YOUR FACE AGAIN!!!." His harsh words broke me completely but I know I deserve them.

He turned back and walked towards the door. I was just a second away from breaking down but still composed myself.

I know it's very selfish of me but I want to look at him one last time.

Please turn around for one last time Jungkook... please.

And he turned back, looked straight into my eyes and said, " Congratulations for destroying my life, Miss Kapoor."

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