𝐂𝐡.61: 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭 (2)

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TW: Mentions of blood, mental breakdowns and more angsty topics. You have been warned.

bold font: Screen

italic font: Thoughts

3rd pov

Chapter 133: Sell out

"There's a sneaky rat sniffing around, sitting face to face with my former leaders." said Koko before mentioning the former titles of Takemichi and Taiju.

"You guys are prying into Kurokawa Izana, therefore you are all Toman's enemies." stated Inupi.

"Haha. You guys? My enemies?" Taiju laughed, taunting Inupi for clinging to a dead gang, and Koko for being the dead gang's 'wallet'.

"Does Izana meet your requirements, Inui!?" he asked them loudly. "And are you still Toman's fucking wallet, Koko!?"

"Damn, I'm getting chills from his screams." noted Chifuyu. Takemichi patted his friend's head for comfort, while unknowingly being glared by a jealous banana and vampire.

"Standing in front of me are just a bunch of blockheads." he paused before he side-eyed Takemichi. 

Not wanting to waste any more time, he told Takemichi and Naoto to escape from the back door, stating that things won't look good here. He also requested Naoto to investigate his brother's death, as he does not believe Mikey did it.

"Eh?" Takemichi muttered in confusion. He remembered future Mikey telling him about being responsible for Hakkai's death. Was Mikey lying? That can't be...


"I don't know how he ended up at Sano's hideout, but I'm sure Kurokawa Izana was behind it!" he told him. "Please clear Hakkai's regrets, alright!?"

"Yes!" Naoto replied before grabbing Takemichi's shoulders.  As they leave, Takemichi thanks Taiju, who simply responds that he is paying off a favor.

"Wait, you fuck!!" the members tried to prevent them from escaping, only for Taiju to jump to their defense by punching them to the grounds. The other members reacted with shock, while Taiju proceeded to let loose by unbuttoning his coat.

"This brings me back memories..." he admitted before dropping his coat to the ground and punched his fists together.

"Entertain me, Toman!"

"He's the same guy after all." remarked Koko.

"What's that suppose to mean?" overheard Taiju. 

"That your future self is stuck in the past? Sorry, my dude." responded South.

Taiju wanted to throw hands but decided to calm down instead.

As both of them run through an alleyway, Takemichi thinks about what Taiju said to Koko and Inupi, wondering if they are the key to learn more about Izana.

"Naoto!!" he shouted to his friend after he stopped.

"What's wrong, Takemichi!?"

"I think we should go back!"


"Those two definitely know something. I want to know more about the Kanto incident!"

Almost everyone in the room was dumbfounded over Takemichi's decision.

"He's...He's not serious, right?" said an irritated Wakasa.

𝑵𝑶𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵𝑺 [Tokyo Revengers x Danganronpa] (𝙳𝚒𝚜𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚞𝚎𝚍?)Where stories live. Discover now