chapter one

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Laenerys was now reaching her 15th name day and much had changed in her life and amongst her family.

Rhaenyra had now had three children with Harwin strong but she would never have anymore as he had passed suddenly after their third child Joffrey's birth. He burnt alive in Harrinhall the place in which his Father resided and he would one day inherit. No one knew what had really occurred they had just found his burnt body in the ash and remains.

Sadly that wasn't all her sister had lost, Laenor her husband had also 'died' however their was a plan behind it. He had faked his death to be with his lover and they left the seven kingdoms and sailed away making everyone think that he was dead so that Rhaenyra could marry once more this time to her beloved Uncle Daemon.

Laenerys had seen this coming for quite some time since she was very young as the two had always been unusually close and had some very romantic gestures and encounters towards each other over the years.

Her sister was now with Daemon with her three children and Daemons two young daughters as well and she was happy despite knowing that Alicent her step mother was trying to name Aegon her son heir to the throne for many years now and she only became more and more toxic towards the two sisters.

Laenerys now roamed the halls of Kings landing doing nothing slightly bored as she had nothing to do as her Sister lived at Dragon stone and she had refused to be friends with Aegon and Aemond ever.

"Laenerys!" A young female voice called out.

It was Helaena her little half sister. She was the only child of her Father and Step mother that she would ever speak to as she felt sorry for her little sister. She was so young and yet had already been promised to marry her eldest brother Aegon who was already known to be very cruel and stupid  despite only being 12.

"Helaena how are you today?" Laenerys asked her younger sister as she noticed her very happy expression.

"Very well!" She exclaimed loudly making her voice echo down the halls.

She was never usually this happy or this open she was a very shy and clever girl who often talked of strange things and visions that she would have. Laenerys often listened to her sister talk of them to her as it made her happy.

"And why is that?" The older girl smiled down to the younger one.

"I have finally had a vision of you sister." She said with a big smile drawn onto her face. "Come! Come you must see!" She shouted once more while grabbing her sisters Shen and dragging her further down the hall to her chambers were they both sat down on the carpet.

"I am glad you are happy Helaena." Laenerys told her sister while smiling gently at her. It was very rare to see any of the kings children this happy and it made her smile.

"Well it is not every day that I get to see a vision of my favourite sibling." Helaena exclaimed to her sister.

"Well what was it of ?"

Helaena only giggled in response before taking one of her many inspects from its cage. She took a spider today. Holding it in her hands and moving it about in them. The young girl had always been interested in bugs so she had many gifted to her by her Mother.

"I can not say but it is good." Helaena smiled once more to her self as her eyes were focused on the bug in her hands.

The two sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes until Alicent unexpectedly walked in.

"Mother." The young girl said while  putting the bug down and running up to give her a hug.

"Hello my sweet girl." She smiled down at her daughter the only good thing left in her life amongst her other children. "Laenerys, I was not expecting you to be here."Alicent nodded over to the girl.

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