chapter six

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It had been a few days since the argument between the two sisters and her children.

Laenerys did not feel bad about what she had said to Rhaenyra and what she had said about her family but she did feel bad about what she had spoken of Harwin Strong even if it was true she knew she had hurt her sister and her children deeply.

Which might not of been her intent she still was not sure what her intent of letting her anger out on them was. She was miserable and hadn't smiled in those days since the conversation and to make it worse the whole Stark family would be here soon and she had no one to talk to and no one to go to help for.

Laenerys just sat in her room waiting for someone to fetch her or inform her of her betrothed arrival which she was not ready for. She had not been this sad since her sister had first left her alone at the castle and even then she was a very young child.

As she was thinking she could hear the voices from the grand courtyard. It had seemed that the Starks had arrived. The sound of men shouting and conversations being thrown around could be heard, their voiced loud and travelling.

Laenerys did not move as she was supposed to she just stayed sat down in her chambers. She was supposed to greet Cregan and his family to make a good impression but she did not care much for that anymore.

Rhaenyra and her had argued before but they never got at deep as the one from two days ago and she had feared that maybe the two sisters would not be able to go back from this point and would only spiral into having more and hatred for one another.The thought scared her so she did not dwell on it.

Laenerys had now been in her chambers for two hours and still had not excited to greet her family or the Starks. When suddenly a knock was heard at her door.

"Come in." She sighed.

She had expected Helaena or maybe Rhaenyra so when Cregan had entered she was shocked to say the least. He looked a bit angry.

"Are you hiding from me?" He questioned the girl as he then moved closer towards her so he was now standing in front of her seat staring down at her.

"No." She mumbled. Which wasn't a lie but wasn't the entire truth either. She wasn't just hiding from him she was hiding from her sister and all of her troubles seemed to be outside her chambers so she thought why not just stay here were they can not be but she seemed to have been wrong.

"I haven't seen you in a year and you hide from me?" He said with a raised brow as his jaw visibly clenched before he turned around leaned on the wall still facing Laenerys.

"You say that as if we were close a year ago." She said her tone across more harsh than she had intended. She truly did not want to be rude to Cregan but he was making it hard and in her current state of anger and sadness Laenerys was not in the mood for taking about anything.

"We are getting married in two days." He said as if he was reminding her.

"Really I wasn't aware." She shot bavk sarcastically.

"Clearly you weren't as you are being so strange!" He said louder this time as she stood up and Cregan pushed himself of the wall he had leant on and took a step closer to Laenerys.

"I am being strange? I am two days away from being married off to a stranger and leaving my family." Tears then started to prick in the corners of the young Princesses eyes which didn't go unnoticed by Cregan.

The truth of the wedding hadn't completely sunk in with Laenerys yet despite her knowing about for just over a year she was still a scared little girl and I'd you looked close enough you could tell.

"I'm sorry." He said while taking another step towards her before lifting his hand to her cheek and rubbing a stray tear away with his thumb.

Laenerys liked how his hands felt on her face. He was so gentle yet his hands felt so rough and cold. The perfect balance in her opinion.

"Please don't cry." He said before he wrapped one arm around her shoulder and brought her in for a hug before he kissed the top of her head.

The action confused Laenerys so much. She had rarely ever been hugged before and that was when she realised that the Stark family truly loved one another as she knew that her family would never hug any of them unless it was their own child. She had never even seen Viserys and Alicent hug each other.

As Cregan slowly broke from the hug and the two looked at each other Laenerys face held confusion still. She had never expected him to hug her or comfort her the way that he did and she liked it.

"My grandmother wants to meet you." The Stark suddenly said while the two
Remained holding deep  eye contact with one another.


"Well my whole family has been begging to meet you since last year. Especially my Grandmother and Ravnir."

"Really?" Laenerys questioned him as if she had excepted him to be joking. In reply he simply nodded while smiling down to her.

"Who wouldn't want to meet such an angel."

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