chapter fifteen

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The weeks flew by at Winterfell for Laenerys. Her and her dragon had soon become accompanied to the cold weather and she had spent many times with her new closet friend and sister in law Aris.

As well as managing to convince Cregan to go on a ride with her and Rhae. He claimed he hated it but she could tell deep down that he liked the wind in his hair and the feel of the fresh air against his skin. After all who wouldn't want to ride a dragon.

She had become close with every member of the Stark family and even a few servants and weirdly enough she felt more at home then she had ever felt at Kings landing.

Of course she missed her sister and nephews but she was happy at Winterfell and many of the people had started to call her 'the winter dragon' which went well with Cregans nickname 'the winter wolf'.

The only thing that she disliked about Winterfell was the amount of Lords that would visit. Sure lots of them were nice but many of them would
be constantly raking their eyes over her figure and she knew that they would all make remarks about how she would be in bed with Cregan. Which he also hated but could not anger any lords so was forced to agree with them or laugh it off.

On this particular week it was the 18th name day of Rickon Stark, Cregans younger brother and many of those Lords were in the castle sleeping under the same roof as Laenerys. It scared her at times but she knew she could protect herself and that Cregan would also protect her.

And as her and Aris made their way down to the banquet hall for the name day celebrations they gossiped.

"I heard that your two nephews are to be wed to Baela and Rhaena." Aris told her friend.

"Yes I heard that too it's unexpected but I'm sure they will be happy." Laenerys told the stark girl before adding her own gossip. "I saw Lady Larra this morning and she did seem to be holding a swollen belly."

Aris's face turned into one of a shocked expression. "She's younger then us!" She exclaimed loudly before Laenerys quickly told her to be quite.

"I know I feel sorry for her she is still a child herself." Laenerys then added.

"Yes me too but soon that may be you." Aris laughed making Laenerys roll her eyes.

"Not for a very long time Aris." She told her sister in law.

"Tell that to Cregan." Aris told her. "I don't want any mini Laenerys for at least another year so you won't be too occupied to see me."

Both the girls laughed with each other with their arms crossed over one another as they entered the hall walking towards their separate seats.
Laenerys beside Cregan and Aris on her other side.

"It seems that Aris has stolen your wife yet again my boy!" Benjin stark Cregans uncle exclaimed as the girls walked in, arm in arm. While he offered his nephew a big friendly slap
on the back as many others laughed at the joke.

"No Laenerys would never leave me." Cregan said cockily while looking at his wife with a smile.

"You sure about that?" Aris told her brother with humour as they both took their seats.

The whole table once more all let out a laugh before conversations started to spring from here and their among many people as everyone settled down.

Laenerys laughed with Raya and Ravnir as they kept arguing with one another over who could sit in front of her.

Her and Aris both watched as the twins kept on squabbling until their Father came over and moved them both to the other end of the table as a punishment which one more made her laugh.

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