chapter eleven

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And so the great wedding feast had begun. The Starks and Targaryens were placed at the front of the throne room with two king tables either side of the walls and a big open area for
dancing in the middle of the room.

Various meats, bread and cheese was laid along the table with almost double the amount of alcohol on the table, floor and on the lords and lady's.

It had been a few hours and everyone was already rather drunk. After all it was the wedding of the century for the people of Kings Landing and Westeros.

Cregan and the Starks however did not seem to get even the slightest bit drunk as they all remained with their cool composure taking amongst each other. With Ravnir and Raya occasionally looking over and smiling at Laenerys while offering her small

Laenerys however was trapped between Lord JasonLannister and Aegon her half brother. She had no idea what even lead to them being forced to all talk to one another. She presumed it was probably Jason Lannister who had tried to talk to the Targaryens as he only wanted power.

Laenerys let out a quite sigh as the conversation quickly turned boring and she wanted to leave to go and sit down.

"I think I am going to excuse my-" all of a sudden shouting and screams could be heard from the other side of the Hall making everyone turn to face the noise.

And stood on the other side was about 30 armed men who had just stabbed a woman and another man. Everyone quickly started to erupt into screams and tried to scramble away from the intruders who seemed to be Lords but why would they pull knives out on everyone.

The hall quickly got flooded with many people being crushed, pushed and shoved to the ground and into each other as everyone who was dancing which was most people now all trampled to try and get out of the hall.

"Help!" The distance cries of many children and woman could be heard as many were falling over and being dragged or forced down by the legs of others.

Laenerys however was trapped amongst the stampede of people who were unknowingly causing more chaos and deaths by acting like this.

She had found her self to have been quickly pushed away from Aegon and Lord Lannister and separated even more from the safety of the Targaryen and Stark table.

Over the heads of others she could see the Starks all had their swords drawn as the two stark children hid behind their Father Ned Starks leg.

However hard Laenerys tried she couldn't yell nor could she get the attention of anyone in her family due to someone's elbow crushing into her throat and body every five seconds making her wince in pain.

'Don't fall over.' She thought in her mind. 'Don't fall over.' She repeated to herself as if it would make her stay on her feet amongst the shoves and pushes of every lord and lady on either side of her.

It was as if she felt trapped in a cage. It was claustrophobic and she hated it. Anyone could touch her and she probably wouldn't even notice due to the immense pain that consumed her from the constant pressure of the elbows and feet of others jabbing into her.

"Rhaenyra!" She tried to call out to her sister who was stood beside the rest of the house while holding Joffrey and Luke to keep them both safe. Her words fell on death ears with no one hearing her.

The men who had started the chaos were slowly being taken down by the guards and few other brave sword fighting lords but their were still around 15 of them left reeking havoc.

"Where's Laenerys?" The voice of Lord Ned Stark could then be heard through the crowd as his voice carried.

"Laenerys!" Cregan quickly shouted after his Father spoke of the girl being missing. He had thought she was with Aegon when he last looked so he thought she was safe.

"Laenerys!" He called once more while his eyes desperately searched the sea of people in front of him.
"Fuck." He muttered to himself and before anyone could stop him he ran into the crowds.

Pushing and pulling people aside not caring who got hurt as his mind only had the thought of if his wife was safe or not. Anyone could see the desperation in his eyes as he searched for a head of pure white, long hair.

Laenerys was not hard to find considering her extravagant gown and uncommon hair but what shocked Cregan the most was that she was being crushed between around 3 people and could hardly breath.

"Move!" He shouted to them to which they all let out shouts of fear clearly mistaking his tone and murderous demeanour to be one of the intruders but as soon as his hands met Laenerys waist his face instantly calmed and was replaced with a soft expression for his wife.

Laenerys was out of breath as she had been fighting for her life amongst all the people that had unintentionally tried to crush her. A few visible bruises could be seen on the side of her cheek, neck and arms. For some reason it made Cregan angry and upset to see her so distraught and fear struck.

"I-i was t-trying to-" Laenerys just stopped talking as she was only becoming more out of breath as tears fell from her eyes and mixed into her mouth.

Cregan didn't say anything he pushed her into a hug whilst holding her waist and the back of her head with his chin rested on top of her head as well. He offered her a small kid on her forehead as he then lifted his thumb gently to wipe the remaining tears from her face.

"It's alright. I'm here now." He whispered into her ear as his hands still held her steady not wanting to let her go ever again. "No one will ever hurt you ever again."

And in that brief moment between the two Laenerys felt safe. She felt as if she could stay in his arms for all eternity and more. That was until they both abruptly seemed to remember the situation that they were in as yet another person nudged the Targaryen in the face only to be met with Cregans rough hand throwing them away.

"We must get back to the table." Cregan said to which Laenerys nodded in reply.

But Out of no where it seemed that the number of people in the crowd was doubling as Cregan and her kept getting pushed apart but he held onto Laenerys tightly not letting go of her and then what he did she least expected.

Cregan quickly faced Laenerys before he put one arm under her legs and lifted her up into her arms before she could register his movements she was already in the air around his shoulders holding on tight to his neck and then with ease Cregan managed to barge passed the people who continually tried to get in the way.

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