chapter twelve

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It was late now. The feast had ended as soon as the intruders weapons were drawn but now they had been identified and captured. The crowds calmed down and Laenerys was sent away to her chambers to be tented to by the Maester who inspected her bruises and small cuts adoring her body.

Her wedding gown was ruined but Laenerys did not mind as she still had her wolf necklace and that was the only thing of importance taht she had to loose in the hall as well as her life.

Many of the people who attired the feast now had small injuries and a few people did die either of being stabbed or trampled. It was a terrible way to end the joyous event and people had started to call it 'the red crowd wedding' for all the blood that stained the halls after.

Laenerys let out a sigh as the maester finally left her. Her hands leant against the table as she thought about the day. It was supposed to be a perfect day but it wasn't really. Many died and she had hardly been able to talk to any of her family or new family due to the unfortunate events.

A knock them sounded at her door cutting her from her thoughts. As the door opened Laenerys knew who it would be immediately.

Her sister, Rhaenyra.

"Are you alright?" Her older sister asked her as she walked over bringing her in for a hug and to look at her injuries from the stampede of people.

"I am now. Cregan saved me."

Rhaenyra didn't say anything else she only gave her sister a small knowing smile as she knew deep down that her little sister was slowly growing to like Cregan.

"And will you go to Cregan tonight?" Rhaenyra changed changed the matter completely but of course Laenerys understood what she had meant by her words.

"I shall go to are new shared chambers yes." Laenerys told her in reply.

"But...?" Rhaenyra knew her sister well and knew that their would be a but to her sentence.

"I shall not do 'anything'."

"And if he wants to?"

"Well then I suppose I will." Laenerys told her sister her voice quieting down slightly at the thoughts.

After all as a lady she was told to keep her purity until marriage but she didn't actually think that she would just have to do it now despite all the stories she had been told she was a bit clueless and very innocent.

"Laenerys. If you don't want to them don't go." Rhaenyra told her trying to keep her younger sister safe. "Just stay with me until sun rise."

"No I must thank him either way for saving me." Laenerys told her. "Plus it wouldn't be that bad."

"Your growing up so fast. Mother would have been proud." Rhaenyra said while cupping her younger sister cheek with her hand. "Just be careful Nerys."

Laenerys nodded towards her sister as Rhaenyra then turned and left her room.

Shortly after Laenerys left her chambers to go to her and Cregans shared room for the next week or so before she was to return to Winterfell.

She was nervous and on edge from the events from earlier and her neck hurt. Someone had elbowed her right in the side of her neck and it was fully bruised in a mixture of blue and purple. It looked disgusting and Laenerys hated it.

"Hello?" Laenerys questioned as she finally reached the bedroom for her and Cregan.

When she opened the door he wasn't in their. Laenerys felt disappointed and sad that he wasn't in their waiting for her but she also felt relieved in a way. Maybe it would mean that he wouldn't come to bed her.

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