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The rest of the day at school, I ignored Scott. I was pretty much terrified of him and seeing him was only making it worse. And also I needed time to digest the fact that my own brother could potentially kill me.

It was finally evening. I was doing my homework when I heard the front door open and close, indicating Scott was home from work. Couple of seconds later I heard his door open and close. Now I was starting to feel guilty. Sure my brother tried to kill me and our best friend, but he isn't to be blamed entirely. It wasn't in his control. It was the animal inside of him doing it. And animals, don't know what they are doing unless tamed. Sighing I closed the books and got up from the study table.

As I got to his room, I noticed his door was wide opened. Scott was sprawled on his stomach, his droopy eyes glued to the ground. I kind of felt guilty all over again. This guy is clearly going through a lot and instead of supporting him I was getting upset over a minor slip up. I went up to him and sat on the edge of the bed near his head. I kept my hand on his hairs as I softly massaged his scalp.

Scott sighed softly, "I am sorry for today, Scar."

"It's all right", it wasn't alright but I said it anyway.

"I tried to kill you and Stiles." With a huff he sat up straight on the bed and exclaimed.

"But you didn't, okay? As Stiles said, it's your anger. It's the trigger." I put my hand over his in assurance.

Scott sighed heavily beside me. There was a knock on the door. I looked up to see my mom standing by the door-frame. "Hey, it's the late shift for me again tonight, but I am taking Saturday off to see your first game, Scott."

My eyes widen. If mom comes Saturday night and somehow Scott wolfs out in the middle of the field then she'll know her son is a werewolf. I have no idea how she's gonna react to that. "No mom, you can't." I panic before I even know what I was saying. Mom look at me walking into the room. "No I can and I will. One shift isn't gonna break us...... not completely."

I suddenly felt guilty, as I took in my mom's appearance. She looked so tired, still she worked so hard to provide for Scott and I. Though Scott helps by working in a vet, there in nothing I could do. I was basically useless. And that made me more guilty.

"Hey, what's wrong with your eyes?" mom's voice broke my reverie as she asked Scott. My eyes widened. "His eyes?" "My eyes?" both of asked at the same time in panic. Is Scott already wolfed out? To my relief, his eyes were still a shade of brown identical to mine.

"He looks like he hasn't slept in days. You too Scarlett. You both look like shit." Mom looked at both of us in concern.

"Lacrosse." "Homework" both Scott and I both sighed at the same time again.

Mom let out a nervous laugh, "Just that? I mean none of you are doing drugs, right?"

My jaw dropped at my mom. I know we are a little weird, and now probably behaving a lot weirder but did she really have to think her kids are doing drugs! Before I could reply Scott opened his mouth, "Right now?"

Mom's smile drops. "What do you mean right now? Have you ever taken drugs? Have either of you taken drugs?"

"Have you?" Scott retorts back and I mentally facepalm. Mom gives us another glance before she leaves the room shaking her head. "Get some sleep both of you."

After I hear the front door close, I elbow Scott in the ribs, "What the hell was that?" instead of replying, he just groans, a half annoyed, a half-tired expression on his face. He laid flat on his back and I huffed, turning my face to the other side. The beeping of my brother's computer caught my attention. Scott got up and sat on his computer chair. I stood beside him. He accepted the call to reveal Stiles with a green nerf gun. He dramatically shot it towards us grinning ear to ear. I laughed lightly too. My brother however, found no amusement at anything. Maintaining his serious expression he asked Stiles. "So, what did you find out?"

Fire and Ice : A Derek Hale storyWhere stories live. Discover now