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GOTHAM CITY - The Wayne Foundation's annual charity gala was thrown into chaos last night when a new super villain, Frayed Wire, crashed the event. The costumed criminal stormed the gala with her gang of henchmen, creating a scene of panic and destruction.

Eyewitnesses reported that Frayed Wire, clad in a black and red suit, burst into the gala, brandishing a high-tech whip made of electrified wires. The villain's weapon created sparks and explosions as she lashed out at the guests, shattering glass and sending tables flying.

Frayed Wire's motives for the attack are still unknown, but it is believed that she had a personal vendetta against Bruce Wayne, the billionaire philanthropist and head of the Wayne Foundation. Wayne was present at the gala and narrowly escaped harm, thanks to the quick action of his bodyguards.

The Gotham City Police Department responded quickly to the incident, but Frayed Wire and her henchmen proved to be elusive. The villain's electric whip proved to be an effective weapon against police officers, causing widespread power outages throughout the city.

In a statement to the press, Commissioner Gordon urged the citizens of Gotham to remain calm and vigilant in the face of this new threat. "We will not rest until we have brought Frayed Wire and her accomplices to justice," he said.

The Wayne Foundation has also issued a statement, promising to continue their charitable work in spite of this setback. "We will not be deterred by this act of violence," the statement read. "We remain committed to making Gotham a better place for all its citizens."

As the manhunt for Frayed Wire continues, the citizens of Gotham are left to wonder who this new villain is and what she wants. The attack on the Wayne Foundation gala marks the beginning of what promises to be a long and dangerous conflict between the forces of good and evil in this troubled city.

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