Means to an End

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Gazing upon his next adversaries, Ghidorah wondered if this was even worth it.

The twisted and defiled forms of the former nymphs would cause a lesser man to scream in terror. An almost poetic contrast to their preceding beauty that could capture the hearts of men and women alike. The ugliness of Circe's jealousy is crystallized through them.

The one above the water, Scylla, possessed the traditional form of a hydra. With 8 long heads famed for their regeneration and two legs that granted better movement than her serpent tail provided. The stench that reeked from her being Scylla's worst aspect in Ghidorah's mind.

However, in terms of abhorrence, she did not compare to the monstrosity that lurked below the depths. That made even Ghidorah question if the power he gained would be worth sinking his teeth into the large worm that is Charybdis.

"You do not need to do this, Ghidorah. No one would blame you if we fled Greece to seek power elsewhere. Personally, I bid that you do, my lord." Hecate's voice was filled with uncertainty and disgust. She had underestimated just how sickening these two are.

However, her words were not heeded. Even though Ghidorah himself was having similar thoughts. "This is not just about power any more, Hecate. This is about using Echidna to further our goals. Just she as wished to do to us. Besides, I am going to think of this as training."

For there are far greater abominations out there that he may have to fight in the future. And if he cannot devour their power just because of their repulsive flesh, then he would be missing out on a lot of power that could be used to further his ascension. Thus, he must remove that limitation here and now.

"Of course, you would." She remarked with a deadpan.

Gaining a smirk from Ghidorah who turned his attention away from the sea. Allowing him to look over the mountain they stood upon. One so far away from the water the two monsters inhabited that normal men would be unable to see them.

"What can I say? It's a part of my charm." Ghidorah boasted. As if being willing to do anything for power was some desirable trait in a man.

"Whatever." She shook her head before turning serious. "Getting back to why we are here, everything has been set up. All that is needed is your success for this plan to flourish."

Nodding his head, Ghidorah turned his attention back toward his adversaries. "Let's hope everything goes according to plan then, shall we?" He asked.

With a chuckle, Hecate teased him. "Oh, I'm sure it will, Ghi."

The nickname catching Ghidorah's attention as his head snapped back toward her. Only to be met with magic notes floating around where she once stood. Signaling her departure.

Clicking his tongue, Ghidorah wondered if he would ever understand the strange creatures known as women. He doubted it though. So, he refocused on his mission while making a note to get her back for that later.

Breaking into a dash, Ghidorah jumped off of the mountain. His eyes glowed gold as his signature storms began to brew before releasing a single lightning bolt that struck him. Creating a large cloud of smoke that was dissipated upon a single beat of his wings.

His true form was revealed in all of its glory as he soared through the skies. His large wings more than doubled his form and causing him to travel at a speed humanity would never reach. For such is the power of dragons. Walking masses of power that bring about ruin.

Releasing the hold he had upon his aura, Ghidorah roared toward Charybdis and Scylla. Who turned their attention toward him instantly. Not even bothering to identify their challenger or gauge his strength. Only making the effort to roar louder than him.

The Desolation of Ghidorah in DxDWhere stories live. Discover now