Alpha Call

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Tossing the bones of the fallen giant to the side, Ghidorah roared out in pain as outrage left him. Causing his power to decrease as his lifeforce stopped burning and his form to shrink down. Returning him to his normal form without arms.

Letting out another roar as the transformation finished, Ghidorah looked down at the giant's remains as a smirk crept on his faces. He had never felt so powerful, so right. As if that form was his true self as a dragon.

'All that lifeforce is useful for something after all.' Ghidorah thought as he sensed his diminished reserves. No matter, he will have to restock later.

Turning his attention toward his body, Ghidorah realized how much he has grown, both physically and magically. Now standing at 115m in height and possessing strength that surpasses Typhon's base form by far.

'Even still, that form was unexpected and nearly cost my life. I should tread more carefully from here. Master the powers I have gained and do some research on the other pantheons. I have to build that religion as well.' He listed as he created the black smoke and watched it for a moment before dispelling it.

For now, though, he must announce his victory over Typhon and claim his title as King of Monsters. It would be foolish not to subjugate Typhon's children. There's no need for revenge arks after all and they can be the start of his worshipers. The beginnings of his kingdom.

Thus, Ghidorah took flight and flew toward the mountain that once imprisoned his last foe. Deciding it to be a fitting place to declare his supremacy. Nearing, he released his aura and manifested his storms that began to spread all over Europe. Preparing himself to commence the Alpha Call.


"Typhon has fallen, Lady Athena."
Inside a room filled with various books and blueprints, the Goddess of the Rainbow reported to her new lady. Who stands before a distance mirror that shows a blank space. Another dimension devoid of creation.

"Already?" Athena turned toward Iris in shock, having expected to have more time.
Bowing her head, Iris informed her Lady regarding the matter. "Indeed. The fight started like all the dragon's others but Typhon surprised him and me with a transformation that brought Typhon to a level of power just below that of the Primordials."

Hearing this, Athena was not that surprised. She had expected that Typhon was up to something in his prison. Not only had he been the strongest of his siblings but he held the most potential. He was bred to bring down Olympus, after all.

"I see, his parents must be proud. Although, how did the dragon slay him in that state? He should have been too weak for that." This is what bothered her.

In response, Iris paused for a moment before answering, shock and fear passing over her features. "He was, my Lady. Typhon was throwing him around like a ragdoll until he suddenly wasn't. The dragon went through his own transformation. One where his golden scales darkened and his size increased. He even sprouted two new limbs, as well. Without a doubt, he entered... Outrage."

She still remembers it clearly. That form has been burned into her memory. It should not exist, it was wrong. Vile, even. In all her days, Iris had never seen anything as horrific as that things aura in that form. He is truly an evil dragon among evil dragons.

"That clarifies things, and makes my next actions all the more important. Who knows what his power could be like in the next millennia... we cannot risk it." Athena spoke out in determination.

Unlike her father, Athena is playing for keeps. Instead of trying to fight the Golden Demise, she plans to avoid him and any other threat all together by fleeing these lands. Transporting Olympus away from this world and into its own dimension. One that Ghidorah will not be able to find.

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