The King of Monsters

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Raising his wings toward the heavens, Ghidorah towered over Typhon as he increased his aura in challenge. Manifesting storms that rivaled Typhon's own. Each of them flashing with yellow lightning, contrasting with the Giant's blue.

Facing this, Typhon merely smirked. Delighting in the chance to stretch his wings. So he decided to respond in kind. Slamming his tail into the ground, Typhon released a screech-like roar that would cause lesser beings to go insane. However, Ghidorah is no lesser being.

As such, he roared right back and charged forward. Bringing manic laughter from Typhon as he rushed forward as well. Both of them meeting in an explosion of physical force that shook the land as Ghidorah tried to bite Typhon.

Who evaded the attack and slithered around Ghidorah before delivering a viscous right hook into the dragon's back. Knocking Ghidorah forward as he turned his third head around and fried a gravity beam at the Giant. Forcing him to block with his own beam of energy from his hand.

Creating a clash that soon ended as Ghidorah turned around and used his newly acquired sky powers to gather air into his third mouth before releasing a strong gale of wind that knocked Typhon off balance.

Allowing Ghidorah to finally bite into Typhon as he activated the Electric Shock Pulse. Forcing his electricity into the storm giant. Paralyzing him for a time as Ghidorah flapped his wings. Lifting them both off the ground before Ghidorah slammed Typhon back onto the earth.

Sending the Giant to his back as he dragged him across the ground. Ripping and tearing away at his flesh as he did. Which only made Typhon laugh manically, his eyes glowing with his dark blue power. As he cycled his own lightning through his body, purging Ghidorah's from him.

With his regained movement, he reached up and grabbed ahold of Ghidorah's first head before forcing his thumbs into the dragon's eyes. Blinding that head as his tail constricted around the third head and pried it off as well. Leaving only the second head free.

Grinning, Typhon gathered his power in his mouth, preparing to unleash a breath attack. Knowing that teleporting would be fruitless, Ghidorah instead tried something else to get free. Once again called upon the power of the Sky Primordial, he infused his aura with the air that surrounds them.

Not only dominating it but also inflicting his prosperities upon it. Making it corrosive and destructive, similar to his gravity beams, as the new otherworldly air changed from it's colorless state to something akin to a fog. Making Ouranos' power his own.

This new 'fog' instantly began to eat away at Typhon's body. Melting his flesh slowly but surely in a way that induced pure agony. Forcing Typhon to release Ghidorah as he gathered power in his tail and wrapped it around Ghidorah's foot before throwing him off. Getting the black smoke away from him.

Manipulating the air, Ghidorah stopped his momentum and landed with the help of his wings. Gazing across at the wounded Typhon, Ghidorah smirked. It seems that devouring the little of what remained of Ouranos has paid off in more ways than one.

Yet, even with the damage caused by his teeth and smoke, Typhon only laughed. A terrible and vile sound that resounded throughout the land as he raised his hand toward the sky before releasing a single bolt of lightning toward the sky.

Ghidorah, would sensed the amount of power in that bolt, tried to stop it by manipulating the sky but it broke through his influence. Reaching the storms that cover Europe and entering them.

At first, it did nothing; but when Typhon clenched his fist, his storms suddenly overpowered Ghidorah's. Completely purging his yellow lightning from the sky as the storms became chaotic and even more powerful.

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