The Crimson Dominion

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As Ddraig's power ascended further and further, I could now understand. Watching as his crimson aura dominates his surroundings and bends them to his will, he is clearly close to it. Close to becoming the embodiment of domination, returning to the element that birthed him.

It may take years, centuries even before he becomes domination itself but Ddraig is without a doubt the closest to that realm. The realm of the dragon gods. Although, Albion must be on a similar level. I should fight him after this, if I get the chance.

Now, though, I must focus on this battle. Since Ddraig is currently blitzing toward me with his amped-up speed, courtesy of an amalgamation of Boost and Transfer. Making him fast, faster than me. Fortunately, I control the air that surrounds him.

So, as he reached me, I infused my aura into the air and instantly commanded the black fog to stop him. Causing it to constrict around his form, it's deadly toxins trying to melt his scales all the while. Ceasing his movement for but a moment. Yet, a moment is all I need.

As Ddraig stopped mid-air, I gathered my power in my right tail before smashing it into his draconic face. Sending him crashing back just as he pulsed his aura and broke free of my fog. Allowing me the opportunity to push forward and send three Red Gravity Beams toward him.

Which connected and instantly caused the ground to shatter under his new weight. Ddraig growled at this. His raging aura flared even further as he flashed green 3 more times. Before that added power was allotted to his strength. Giving him the power to withstand my gravity magic, even as I added more weight.

Surprising me once more with his ability. He truly has mastered it and I can not think of a better combo. Using Boost to increase his aura by burning his stamina and then using Transfer to direct that aura into his body, increasing his physical prowess. And making him quite formidable.

Realizing that the Red Gravity Beams would not be enough, I ceased attacking with my middle head and instead gathered the air into my mouth. Creating the black fog once more before releasing it in a pressurized beam of death that I aimed straight at Ddraig's chest.

Who only continued to push forward, showcasing his durability as the beam merely left scratches on his scales. A testament to his might, any lesser being(Ultimate-Class and below) would have been disintegrated upon contact with it.

Yet, Ddraig only glared at me as a grin slowly split his face. Sending a foreboding chill down my spine, he's planning something. And it was as I tried to teleport away, that I realized that Ddraig had merely been waiting... waiting for space itself to submit to his will.

Ludacris is what I would have thought if I couldn't sense it. Ddraig's aura has infused itself with the space that surrounds us, dominating it much like how I corrupt the air to create the black mist. Making any attempts at teleporting away fruitless.

While Ddraig's booming laughter only made it worse. Drawing my attention back to him as his chest glowed bright orange as he transferred a large amount of aura to his flames. Causing them to spill from his maw as he declared...

"Welsh Dragon Flare!"

Immediately after, Ddraig released a sea of flames toward me. The sheer size of his attack threw me for a loop as it pushed back against my attacks. Forcing me to put more power into them to fight against this force. But it seems that Ddraig has other plans.


He called out once more as his attack broke through mine instantly. Ripping through them as if they are not there. The power to penetrate all defenses and even attacks... I had forgotten about it. After 50 years of being in this world, my memory of these things is fading.

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