The King of the Sky!

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Dodging another round of punches, Ghidorah slipped through Zeus' defenses and nailed him with an uppercut. Sending the god tumbling back as Ghidorah retreated. Creating more distance between himself and Zeus.

The area around them had long since been destroyed by their auras. The constant rain of yellow and blue lightning bolts had seen to that. However, the humans that inhabited these lands were nowhere to be seen. Having long since been evacuated by Athena and Hermes.

Stabilizing himself using air manipulation, Zeus was suddenly catapulted through the air back toward Ghidorah. Showcasing a level of flight that only a Sky God could possess. Quickly arriving before Ghidorah, the God King tried to decapitate the dragon with a lariat.

Only for the dragon to manifest a magic circle and appear above the airborne god before he could land it. Spinning in midair, Zeus blocked Ghidorah's counterattack with a blast of his Master Bolt that sent a dazed Ghidorah into the sky.

Clenching his fist, Zeus made a pulling gesture. Commanding the sky to bring Ghidorah back toward him. Propelling Ghidorah back toward the ground at an insane pace before being hit with a nasty right hook to his jaw. Sending him flying to Zeus' left.

Before crashing into a mountain with enough force to shatter it. Making Ghidorah cough up blood as he struggled to stand up. His body creaked and cracked under the effort. Taking a noticeably longer time to heal as time goes by.

'I'm running out of energy.' Ghidorah noted. After 5 hours of continuous spell work, his reserves are finally reaching their limit.

Yet, he had no time to think about it. Looking forward, Ghidorah barely had time to react as Zeus zoomed through the sky and smashed into the mountain. Like a humanoid rocket, Ghidorah compared from his new location a mile away.

However, even this small usage of space magic was all Ghidorah could spare at the moment. The rest of his diminishing energy was currently being used to heal the injuries Zeus had inflicted earlier.

Speaking of the god, Zeus slammed into the ground before Ghidorah. Displaying his battered and bruised form to the dragon. For Ghidorah was not the only one nearing his end. The God King was not far from running out of energy either.

Not that it stopped Zeus from throwing his 3 m-long lightning bolt toward Ghidorah. Its blue light illuminated its surroundings as it soared toward Ghidorah with enough speed to create a sonic boom.

Knowing that he could not afford to waste a spell, Ghidroah manifested his dragon gate. Transforming his magic circle into a portal that looked eerily similar to a black hole. Which Ghidorah positioned so that the Master Bolt would travel through it.

Sending Zeus' trump card to outer space. A place so far away that Zeus would not have the time to recall the weapon of mass destruction. Not from a lack of trying, mind you. The god just could not focus on his weapon when Ghidorah suddenly charged at him.

Arriving before him in no time flat, Ghidorah and Zeus entered a straight-up brawl. With the dragon lashing out with a cross that Zeus blocked and countered with a left hook that forced Ghidorah to lean back. Allowing Zeus to follow up by manipulating the air to lift him so that he could perform an Axe Kick.

Which Ghidorah could not dodge thanks to him already leaning back. Therefore, all Ghidorah could do was cross his hands to block the attack. Which slammed Ghidorah into the ground. Creating a crater and an audible snap that signified the breaking of Ghidorah's left hand.

However, Ghidorah had no time to heal his arm as Zeus continued his onslaught. Attempting to stomp the downed Ghidorah but the dragon quickly rolled out of the way. Making Zeus' kick pierce the earth instead.

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