The Lord of Darkness

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"Hecate, I need you to do something for me." I informed.

After Hecate teleported us, she had shown me around the castle. Taking me to the throne room, the ballroom, the dining area, the kitchen, and even to an arena that various monsters commissioned so that they could let off some steam from time to time.

Before ending this showing by taking me to the very top of the castle. Giving me a good look at the castle and the beginnings of a city that is being built around it. The beginnings of a kingdom that would worship us as their gods. The start of a religion built out of fear.

Marking the fulfillment of our deal.

"What is it?" Hecate questioned. Turning to look at me, an action which I mimicked.

"I need you to find and destroy Athena for me." I said simply.

My words caused her to reel back as if struck. "You... don't want to do that yourself?" She said in bewilderment. Having expected me to slaughter Athena myself for almost killing me.

I chuckled. "I do, I really do, Hecate. I wish I could simply appear before her beloved Olympus and wipe it from the face of the earth. Except, I can't. She has disappeared, vanishing without a trace. Leaving me with no clue as to her current location."

I realized this after Hecate started to show me around. Athena, and Mt. Olympus, are no longer on this plane and even with my dragon gate, I can not reach them without knowing their location. Which is hidden from me. But not Hecate.

"You think she is hidden behind a barrier in a different dimension." She realized. A small smirk played at her lips.

"Indeed. And since you can find her regardless, I have decided that you will be the one to destroy her. After all, there is no need for me to personally intervene. She is weak." I laughed. It would be like crushing an ant. No matter how hard I step on her, she would die instantly. Taking all the fun out of it.

Starring at me with her red pupils, I watched her smirk grow into a grin. "You honor me, King Ghidorah. Her death will not be a swift one. But what of the other gods? They may be of use to us. Namely Hephaestus."

He could be, indeed. I'm sure every intelligent being can see the use of a forge god. "Do as you please, Hecate. Whether they live or die, is up to you. I leave their fates in your hands." I told her, deciding to give her the freedom to choose.

In response, she closed the distance between us and wrapped her arms around my neck. Leaning in close to me as I in turn wrapped my arms around her waist. "Thank you for considering my words, my lord. Know I will not fail you, now or ever." She promised as her lips met mine, kissing me.

An action I haven't experienced in decades and I only now realized how much I missed it. Of course, we have had sex before but it was never as chaste as this. It had always been just a means to release sexual frustration that even dragons experience, I had learned. Making this quite... different.

Unfortunately, we both have work to do. Leading us to end the kiss too early, in my opinion. Stepping back, Hecate blushed a little and bowed. "I will be going now, my Lord. Athena will be dead within the hour."

"I do not doubt that. Now go, something else has come to my attention." I dismissed. Giving her a look that meant I didn't need help with whatever I had discovered.

Bowing once again, she dissipated into magic notes and left this dimension. Leaving me alone with the one I had sensed. "Eavesdropping is considered wrong, you know? If you wanted to know what I was talking about, you could have just asked." I taunted to seemingly nothing.

In response to said taunt, the shadows cast by the moon shifted, and out came an imposing figure of a man who stands equal to me. Dressed in fine garments hidden by a dark cloak that matches his long black hair. With him also possessing blood red eyes similar to my own.

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