𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜 𝟔;

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Y/n walked on the corridors of the 1st floor of her school while munching on her bread. She shivered as she felt like someone was intensely eyeing her.

Snapping her head to the window, she saw a guy with long hair quickly hiding behind a tree.

Squinting her eyes, the girl quickly made way to the guy while calling him out. "OI! STALKER—"

"SHUT UP!" The guy hissed as he quickly put a hand on top of her mouth and dragged her behind the big ass tree where he was hiding.

The girl looked up to the guy and bit his hand.

"DID YOU JUST BIT ME?!" He hissed again before rubbing the bitten hand to his pants.

She only blinked before she snatched his mask down. "You're hot!" Her eyes sparkled, "ong, i have an attractive stalker!"

Sanzu scowled as he put his mask back. "You're so fucking weird. I don't know why the hell mikey likes you."

"Mikey?" She went quiet before grinning widely, "oh! I see, you're mikey's boyfriend and you're stalking me because you were jealous!" And pointed a finger at him.

Sanzu frowned as he doesn't understand shit that she's saying, but from the perverted look on her face, he was assuming that whatever the he'll she's blabbering about is something ugly.

"So," the girl crossed her arms, "what do you want from me? I promise you, it isn't my fault, i was only coming to him cause he looks so sad! Mans was basically a plant! He needs more sunshine, food, and love—" she started to blabber again.


"Y'know, you got a weird taste on guys. But who am i to judge you? I like non-existent guys, lol."

Sanzu shook his head before he opened his mouth to speak, "don't bother mikey. He's losing focus and we have a battle against another gang soon. Well, not that we'll have a big problem with it cause we'll win anyways—" he started to blabber about how great his gang is and how great mikey is.

The two chatty teens then looked at each other,

"Got it?!"

"Got it?!"

Y/n feels like this is deja vu.

Sanzu only smirked at her, "I'm glad we have a mutual understanding."

"I don't know what the fuck kind of crap you're on but you look like you understand me." She beamed. "Are you on drugs?"

The man understood the word 'drugs' and he raised an eyebrow. "I'm not on drugs, though i heard it can earn you tons of money. I'm actually interested in selling it—"

"I got the vibe that you would probably sell it. Look at you, your face looks crazy as fuck even though you're handsome!"

Suddenly someone interrupted the two, it was senju, who came over gaping like a fish at the scene before tugging y/n's sleeves and pushed her friend to her back and faced her brother with a frown.

The guy returned the frown. "The hell are you doing in here?!"

"Me?! This is my school! What are YOU doing in here?! And don't bother my bestie, you bastard!"

Sanzu blinked before he looked around to confirm if it's senju's school and he groaned. "Why does she have to be in the same school as you?! She's better off without you!"

𝐇𝐘𝐏𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋; Tokyo RevengersWhere stories live. Discover now