𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜 𝟗;

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The foreign girl bopped her head to the song she's listening to, unaware of the mini chaos she made in the delinquent world because of her relationship with mikey the plant.

She was now walking around in her neighborhood, only to see the sight of two fine guys tinkering with a motorcycle on their shop.

"Damn." She made a fuckboy face before deciding to come over and bother them.

"Ay yo." The girl said and the two guys looked up to see her. She analyzed their faces for a few minutes before she went up to one and held their chin up, "marry me—"

"What the fuck." Draken frowned at the girl, while inui was like, "she high on rizz-"

Draken only grumbled before he wiped his hands and walked over to the two, grabbing the girl's hand away from the assaulted inui. "Who are you? And stop bothering him, please."

"What?" Y/n only gave him a dopey smile and looked at him up and down, making him shiver. "Mmm..yea, no. I like that one better." She jabbed a finger at inui's direction.

Draken sighed, "great. She can't understand me and i can't understand her."

"Let me try." Inui said and he walked up to the girl. Once his height towered over hers, she squealed.

He pointed a finger at her, "you." And then at himself, "me." And then he made an X sign with his arms, "no." Lastly, he pointed a finger at her again and pointed to the streets outside.

Y/n gasped, offended. "How dare you reject me, you pretty looking motherfucker?!"

Inui only blinked, his face blank as y/n grabbed his collar and shook him back and forth aggressively.

"Oi! Stop doing that!" Draken hollered and decided to help inui by sepparating them, his one arm holding the girl by the back of her shirt far away so she can't throw hands on them.

"What is wrong with you?" draken frowned at the pouting foreign girl. "Give me a boyfriend, I'm lonely as fuck."

Senju suddenly showed up and she was panting, tired after running around looking for her foreign bestie who seem to have not want to go to school, "y/n, let's go to school already and stop flirting with every good looking guys you meet!"

"But senjuuuuu," the girl whined, "I'm lonely!"

"Am i not good enough for you?" Senju frowned, "I'm your best friend! How could you think you're lonely when we're sticking with each other all the time?!"

Y/n gasped, "ong, senju!" Walking out of draken's grip, the girl hugged her bestie, who hugged back.





What in the world? Draken and inui's face looked so done. They don't even know what the fuck is happening anymore.

"I'm sorry, i just felt lonely for some reason these days." The foreign girl pouted.

Senju only hummed before she curled her fingers with her bestie's, dragging her away to school. Not forgetting to flip the two confused dudes at the back with her other hand.

𝐇𝐘𝐏𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋; Tokyo RevengersWhere stories live. Discover now