Chapter 4

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AN: hello readers! Sorry for the late post but I have a lot going on right now.
Let's enjoy this chapter! Happy reading!☺️☺️

Gulf was lost in his thoughts again. He was not able to concentrate on his work at all, spacing in and out, thinking about Mew. It's been 2 weeks and he hasn't seen him again.
'What are you up to P'Mew? Why are you not contacting me? Is she with you P'Mew? Are you happy with her now? Is that the reason that you still don't care about me? You have not even asked me how I have been all these years. Am I that insignificant for you now?'

"Gulf lets go we have a meeting" a colleague reminded Gulf.

Gulf's boss, Mr. Tee was chairing the meeting. By nature Mr. Tee was a very hyperactive person but for some reason he was being very secretive about this new project.

"Good morning everybody." Mr. Tee greeted and immediately jumped to brief the team regarding their latest project.
"I have good news. We have just won an order on a nomination basis. MG enterprise has handpicked our firm to assist them with the design for their latest resort. They will have their project manager Mr. Pakorn, sitting in our office from tomorrow. Gulf you will be our key contact person and looking after all his needs. This is very big project for us so I hope we all do our best and not give them any reason to penalise us."

Gulf was talented designer and one of Mr Tee most trusted person. Everyone cheered and immediately dispersed to prepare for the big day.

"Ahhh something to take my mind off P'Mew" Gulf said to himself

He worked hard to make all the arrangements and tentative plans to be shown to his new boss-Mr. Pakorn. It will keep him busy for at least another three months since the project is a short one.
'Why does that name sound so familiar though? Does he know someone by that name?' Gulf thought.

"Hey.. your new boss has arrived" Gulf was informed by his peer the next day while
Gulf was doing his last minute checks. He picked up his files, sipped the last bit of coffee from his mug and headed towards the door to receive Mr.Pakorn.

He saw Mr. Tee already waiting at the door
As he was hurrying to join his director the door opened and Mew entered.
Gulf stopped on his track.

"What the hell?" Gulf thought to himself.

"Welcome Mr. Pakorn" Mr. Tee raised his hand forward.

"My apologies. There has been a slight change. Mr.Tul Pakorn won't be joining. It will be me, Mr. Mew Supasit." Mew shook his hand.

"Ohhh..Mr. Supasit the CEO himself. This project must be really important. Please come Mr. Supasit, let us continue in your cabin" Mr. Tee led the way to the newly built cabin.

As for Gulf, he was still frozen in his place.
'Of course that name sounded familiar. It was P'Tul, Mew's best friend. Damn you P'Mew. You played me. Now what should I do? ' Gulf was in his thoughts when Mr. Tee motioned him to snap out and follow them. Gulf just followed helplessly thinking how to get out of this situation.

'Calm yourself Gulf. Let's not create a scene. You can confront him later' Gulf explained himself and acted like he didn't know Mew. Not that Mew was exactly acknowledging him either.

"Let's not beat around the bush and get to the point Mr. Tee. I only need a team of dedicated and committed employees for the project. I would like to start with my team right away. You have 10minutes to gather them in the meeting room." Mew said with a stoic face.

Gulf heaved a sigh of relief. May be he can opt out of the team. This is not so bad he thought to himself. He just needs to convince Mr. Tee with an extremely good reason.

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